So many things have come up and we were anxious to share them with you. So, I will start at the top and share all of our news.
I did share with you that our home church is going to raise the money for a new truck for Don. Well, they are still going to raise the money, but they (with the help of someone else) took a step of faith and sent the money ahead. They knew the desperate situation with the Dove and knew it was dangerous to haul teams in it. We praise God for that. The money arrived and our "kids" in Port, went to the dealer and purchased the new "EAGLE". I had hoped that by this time, I could write "The Eagle Has Landed", but that is not the case.
The day Remy, Daniel and Vero were going to bring the Eagle home, Haiti erupted in chaos. Our last week has been a bit unsettled with the situation here. We had one team leave and another arrive during this time.
Let me tell you about the teams, first. The first one stayed here and did a tremendous amount of repairs on the dorm and surrounding buildings. It was one thing after another and they accomplished so much. We had thought it would take the whole time to repair the two roofs they set out to do. Those were accomplished the first two days!! We are so thankful for all the work they did. It's amazing to think of what was done. A great team!!! The following pictures show just two of the mountains of work accomplished.
And then our present team came in... wow, I think we have had two of the hardest working teams back to back. This group came in on Tuesday and went right out to the work site. They are putting a huge roof on a church. The first day they accomplished so much, it was unbelievable. Yesterday, their first full day on the job they already had four of the rafters up, and another on the ground ready to go up. This church will have 21 rafters, and I believe they will get the roof done, with no problem. The team has become one, in the fact that everyone has their job and it's like a well oiled machine. Things are flowing so smoothly. Our constant prayer is that the turmoil in the country will not stop them from completing the whole job. This is a great team and we love having them here.
Today we had to make a very difficult decision. We had to write and cancel our next team. Things seem to be escalating here and we do not want to put them in danger. We have our present team on alert, and they realize that if things become tense, they cannot go to the job site. So, we are asking for a LOT OF PRAYER for Haiti, it's people and the turmoil here.
Now, back to the Eagle. The morning the kids were to leave and didn't, they left the truck at the dealers. They have no place to put it and felt it was safer there. After a couple days of burning tires, businesses ransacked and total chaos in Port, they let us know what was going on. The dealer where the truck is sitting was broken into. They smashed windows in the building and there was major vandalism. But the truck was not touched. Praise the Lord! Vero flew home yesterday because she had to get back to work, but Daniel and Remy are still waiting to get the Eagle home to us. Keep them in prayer.
Again, we ask for prayer.... for the country of Haiti, for the people of Haiti, for out team's safety, and for the arrival of the Eagle!!! Until next time, Keep your eyes and hearts focused on Jesus, our Lord and Savior!!!
Hi There,
We will keep Daniel and Remy in our prayers, the Eagle, the team currently with you, all of you....always! Did Vero make it home safely? Please send her my love!
Seeing the pictures ....I really miss you all, and being there. We had a great time. Cannot wait to see you both again. Please give Abbie a great big hug from me.
Spring has not really arrived in our corner of the world. One would think it was still winter. The kids are on spring break this week and are really bummed because the weather has been wet and cold. I think I see a few spots of sunshine on the horizon.
Paul and Rob still have great plans for the brick mold that they got when we were there.
We are praising the Lord regarding the news on the new truck....the Eagle. Thank you , Jesus!!
All our love!
Tammy and Paul
We love you!!
Hi Karen!! This is Candice!! How are you and Don doing?? Well I had a wonderful time when I was there! I am considering two trips next year, so we will see what happens! I will be praying for you all!
All my love,
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