Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Having an interesting time.

Greetings to all…

Well, I can’t believe it keeps taking me so long to get in here and do a “catch-up”.  There has been a lot going on and simply finding time to sit down was a trial.  But I will try once again to catch you all up on what’s happening.  First, don’t take to heart when people tell you that with each year you get older, things slow down.  It just is not happening here.  

My time is still pretty occupied even though I thought it would slow down a bit after Savanah went home to her family.  I think it was just that I now had the time to do what I was supposed to be doing all along.  And believe me, it’s not that I’m doing any real physical work…it’s mostly on the computer and doing some things that I like.  The two additional things I took on are almost non-existent in the time realm.  The work (not really work) for Pam and her mission takes me just a few minutes a MONTH.  And with the orphanage at IDADEE, that’s maybe an hour or two a week.  So, not much increase there, either.  

I guess my real thoughts are down to the last couple of weeks here.  And yes, I still feel at times like I am still on that fast moving train, and my work to accomplish is outside zipping by.  I really do love what I am doing here in Haiti.  We have so many “family” and friends now.  But that fact still remains, I miss our family back home a whole lot.  At times I just have to remember we will have eternity with all of them, if their lives are tuned into the Lord.  For those who do not know Him, we pray consistently.  For those who do know and are walking with the Lord, we pray for Grace and guidance for them, daily.

I praise the Lord that my prayer time is becoming more and more important to me. I guess I do spend much more time in prayer than I did before, and my prayers are more concentrated on things that matter to the Lord.  But I can say that I feel a lot more ready to face each day, after that time with Him.

The couple who are former Haiti missionaries (Ron & Denise), after a 2 week visit have headed back to the states.  They have served in MANY different countries and we were so blessed to have them stay here with us. I know they were a huge blessing to so many while they were here.  They sure were for us, too!!  

Don is still working diligently on Vero’s place.  That along with trying to “fix” the things that seem to break down constantly here.  The frustration of constantly having to fix things to work on something is wearing on him a lot.  BUT, the Lord has seen that, and He sent a former missionary friend down to originally spend one week helping Don.  Oh man, he has done so much and helped Don so much, it’s a huge praise item.  And now it looks like we may have Bud a few more days than planned.  He is a good friend and such a hard worker!!!  And we are thrilled he can stay a few more days.  I fully believe that the Lord knows our every need and sends those to help us when needed.  And believe me, we are so thankful to Bud, and ALSO HIS WIFE, Jane, for letting him come.  

We had two gals scheduled to come in for a 5 day visit, 2 days after Bud came.  And they DID come.  But the MFI plane they were on ran into a bit of a problem.  Upon landing in Exuma for fuel on the way down, an unusual thing happened.  Just before touching down, a huge gust of wind hit the plane and it tipped sideways. The wing touched the ground.  From what we have heard, the pilot pulled it back up and gave it power and took off again, then made a circle and landed safely.  Another of our planes had to fly down from Fort Pierce and pick up the passengers and the cargo that was on it.  But it was a huge delay in time.  Our 10:15 AM flight landed just before 5 PM here.  

Then the next situation occurred.  Our outbound passengers could not go out.  Because of the delay and rerouting of the plane, our passengers had to wait until the next day to go out.  We ended up with our two gals who came in, plus 4 gals who were supposed to go out.  So the next morning, Vero and some of our workers went to the airport for that same plane to return with a team for another mission.  They were able to pick up our 9 passengers and complete their Haiti/Bahama’s run.  But then the next episode in the drama occurred.  About 60 miles from Fort Pierce, the pilots noticed the oil pressure on one of the engines was decreasing below the required limit. They then shut that engine down as per the aircraft flight manual. The problem was fixed that evening by replacing the faulty oil pressure sensor.  We praise the Lord that with our DC-3’s, the plane can fly and land with no problems, on one engine.  I do imagine it put a bit of a scare in the passengers, but it was a safe landing.  

The update on that scenario is that the first plane, with the wing damage, may take a bit longer to repair than thought.  But the one with the oil situation was fixed pretty quickly.  So, we are not without a plane.  Just down one plane for the next ??? days.  All of this to ask you, as our prayer warriors, to keep MFI lifted up and please do it often.  It seems the enemy is not pleased with them and is trying to stop the work.  But I did read the end of the Book….WE WIN!!  Just keep praying.

I'd like to refresh you all on some things about MFI and our pilots.  Each pilot is not only trained to fly the plane, they are also mechanics for our planes.  They KNOW when and how to take care of these great birds. 
It's amazing when pilots from other airlines (including American), stop and ask if they can see the plane.  My brother who was a pilot, and an air traffic controller, told me many times ... ask ANY pilot and they will tell you, flying a DC-3 is a dream for them.  And I have the privilege of talking with many of our passengers when they come and go.  I can't remember how many times I've heard, things like, "I feel so safe flying with MFI, the pilots and crew will answer any questions and they are so friendly."  and "this is so much better than a commercial plane, THEY PRAY BEFORE FLIGHTS!" (that is one comment I hear a LOT!").  But you know what I like?  Almost  all of those who fly with us are also some great people.  They are willing to give up their time and vacation, and come to serve the Haitian people.  So the whole scenario is all around great. 

We had one night of really hard, bad rains.  And yes, our roof leaked pretty well, again.  But even worse than that, the roads were again filled with not only a lot of dirt/mud, but with garbage coming down the mountain.  I will say they are trying to clean it up though.  It's just taking time.  And of course blocking the roads and causing havoc.  So prayer would be appreciated. 

Chris and Cathie, the gals that were here, helped to complete 10 food buckets for us.  And they delivered some of the 200 dresses and shorts they, and others, have made to give to those in need.  Then on Monday they took some buckets and more dresses and went to another area to help people out.  I praise the Lord that Vero has such a heart for her people and is more than happy to take people like these two gals, to bless others. 

Getting supplies purchased and ready for buckets, doing the extra amount of paperwork for MFI this last week, and cooking for unexpected company, has kept me pretty busy. But I’m glad I was able to get on here and let you know what’s happening in our lives.

Please, keep several things on your prayer list…. 

·       MFI and all of their work and workers.
·       The people coming to work with us and with the Haitians, for safely in all areas.
·       For Don, as he has to handle all of these unexpected “happenings” he has faced.
·       For me as I have to deal with things that pop up and are not in the daily realm of things.
·       And for God’s work, through the bucket ministry, through the visitors and through our ministry, to draw others to know and live for the Lord.

I am including some pictures that were taken while the gals were here.  I hope you enjoy them.
Thank you!!  For listening and for praying.  Thank you for being there for us, in all situations.  We covet your prayers and we also ask God to bless you abundantly.

In Him, Through Him, and For Him,
The photos...
This is some of the things that go into the buckets.  I tried to get a lot of that done before the gals came, to save some time.  

 These two pictures are of only a couple of the people to get buckets.  That woman with the one on her head is something else...those buckets weigh 26 pounds. 
 The kids were really happy to get the dresses.  And they looked so cute in them.
 This is a few of those who were blessed with getting dresses, skirts and shorts.
AGAIN, thank you for praying and we are praying the Lord will bless you abundantly!

Friday, March 2, 2018

Former news 2-4-18

I was recently struck by how attached we have become to the world of electronics and cyberspace.  Yes, we do depend on email for so many things, but it was a shock when our internet server went down for 2½ days and we didn’t have communication with anyone.  First, of course, was the fact that we had nothing from our family…that is a hard thing.  Then I thought back to when we first came to Haiti in 1983…our only communication with family (and others) was slow snail mail.  We got mail once a month the first few months here.  Then we got it every other week…wow…loved having that.  Then it went to once a week and now twice a week.  But the turn around on a letter could be 3 to 4 weeks.  NOW?  Instantly we get a reply.  Are we spoiled by all of this technology?  Very definitely.  

But when I realized how much of my end of our ministry depends on technology I was shocked.  Not just internet, but simple things like computer work.  I would guess I spend probably an average of 4 hours a day doing things on the computer, and a lot of that is for other people, not for us alone.  

So this morning, while doing my Bible study and prayer time, I realized, wow…I don’t need technology for that.  It IS an immediate connection, without technology to the One who is in control and has control over all things.  Prayer and communication with the Lord doesn’t require anything except a calm and quite heart and an open channel to Him.  

Yes, I AM thankful for technology, even if I don’t understand how almost all of it works.  It lets me serve the Lord by helping others with many things.  But I have to go back to being thankful for the One who has given knowledge and wisdom to create these things.

We’ve been busy and trying to keep things going here, like always.  We are sort of in the rainy season, but praise God it isn’t as strong as in years past.  The rains come (and yes, the roof leaks), but then the sun comes out and we can do things outside of the house.  

I had shared how I am trying to help the IDADEE orphanage again.  Well, I had mentioned to Veronique that I would love to get some updated photos of the kids.  In my mind, I was thinking of going out there and catching the kids playing, eating and just “being kids”.  Just after noon last Sunday, Vero came in and said, “Mom, the bus is here with the kids, for pictures.”  YUP, 40 kids and some adults were in the yard waiting for me.   What an experience…have you ever tried to herd chickens?  That is sort of like what I faced.  The kids were great, no problem there, but they were all so excited.  And each one wanted to be first for pictures.  Had some fun times trying to get the pics done and it was finally accomplished.  Until that night when I found I was missing ONE picture.  And some of these kiddos were real cut ups.  Goofy smiles and trying to show muscles…you know, just like normal kids.  But it was a joy, too.  As they got back on the bus, Vero gave each one a piece of candy…then as the bus started moving, I heard, “BYE GRANDMA!!!”  over and over.  I loved it.  

An added note here, check out the IDADEE can see some of the children there, and especially the new kiddos!! 

One of the fellows Don had used to help with building projects lost a leg a few years ago. He is a great mason. First, through MFI we had gotten him a “PET”…(Personal Energy Transportation).  And he was so very thankful. Then, we had arranged for a prosthetic leg for him and he was so happy to be able to walk again. He did get himself a bicycle, and amazingly was able to peddle it.  Don just got him a tire for his bike, so he can get around again. It’s things like this that make our heart feel good.  Being able to help where there would be no help. And then add in to that, those who have received the buckets from our bucket ministry, all the kids who are now in school, those whose medical bills are paid, and medicine purchased, and all because of those of you who have helped us through prayer and support.  We wanted to add a very sincere THANK YOU for standing with us in our ministry!