Sorry it's been a while since I have been on. We've been so busy. Add into that, putting up Christmas decorations. The day before Thanksgiving, Vero said, "in two days we can put up the tree and decorations, right?" I had told her we had to wait until after Thanksgiving. So, that is what we did. Not as many as I have done in the past, but things are still "Christmasy". Abbie walks around saying Merry Christmas to everyone. We don't have to deal with "political correctness" here. We can keep Christ in Christmas. And He is. Abbie has her own manger scene, and talks about how Mary and Joseph had to find somewhere to stay so baby Jesus would have a nice place to be born. This set is so neat, and she is so happy, thanks to Wendy and Joe Karabensh. They gave her the set last Christmas. But anyway, here are a couple of pictures of our decorations. Abbie loves to watch the tree and play with some of the Christmas decorations.

My exciting news is that after the team leaves on Tuesday, on Thursday I leave. Our daughter and her boys are getting to spend Christmas at Disney. And I am getting to go with them. "Every Child Has A Dream" foundation is sending Donny and his family there. Donny has Cerebral Palsy and was chosen for this trip. Another bonus to this is that I have to be there a few days before they arrive, so I am going to spend those couple of days with my brother and his wife. (A prayer request here is for Bob, my brother. He is heading into chemo treatment for colon cancer.) I won't be here for Christmas, but I will return on the 30, with a team, and will be here for New Year's, which is the biggest celebration in Haiti. They celebrate Christmas, New Year's and their Independence Day all together. So, we'll have a celebration then.
Don has been so excited about being able to help so many people. He is heading out this afternoon to deliver food to yet another area. Supplies are running low, but we are depending on the Lord to provide what is needed. The homes he has been working on are coming along great. The families are so happy. For those we have been able to help, this will be a time of rejoicing. Pray with us that the Lord will continue to help us bless many more. God has used so many wonderful people to bring these things to reality. We are so thankful for all the help and all the prayers, too.
For now, I am going to wish all of you a VERY BLESSED CHRISTMAS, and pray you are keeping Jesus at the center of all the celebrations. Remember, He IS the reason for the season.
1 comment:
Karen, It sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas trip. How did it go at Disney? How did Donny like it? Was he excited. How wonderful that he was chosen to go. Send me an e-mail with some details of your trip.
Love Jackie
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