Friday, February 19, 2010

The last three days...Feb. 19th

I'm sorry I've gotten behind, but it's been a very eventful three days. I think what I am going to do, is start with today and work my way BACK three days. I hope you will bear with me on this one. With so much going on, my mind has been in a whirlwind. I hope I can convey to you all that has happened.

Let's start with today. Vero had gone to Port au Prince early Wednesday morning, to try to get a new passport. She returned today. Whew...she brought back pictures of what she had seen. I have only taken a few to send to you...and I will try to convey what they are and what she said about them. This first one is of a park near the palace. People are really afraid to stay in ANY buildings so they are sleeping in the park. Some tents were brought in, but mostly it is simply sheets that are the walls, when they have anything at all to use as walls. Everything they have in the world is now in this little make shift shelter in a park.
This is a really sad thing. This man was hired to go into collapsed buildings and dig out bodies...he almost looks like a manikin or a statue. This is a home...rather WAS a home. And there was probably at least part of a family in it when the quake hit.This building was the Ministry of Interior for Haiti. This is the building that housed the Ministry of finance.And the palace... both of these pictures show the destruction. Yet the grass and flag are still standing. There was destruction all over the area, but notice that a LOT of it was the GOVERNMENT buildings? Hum.... wonder if there is a clue in that as to what needs to be done now? Like to rebuild not only the buildings, but the government? It's certainly what this country needs and the people are coming to see they need a change here. Pray for Haiti to change it's focus and for it to head in the right direction now....toward the Lord!!

Well, I started with the worst, just so you could see what it is like in Port au Prince. I know most of you have seen a lot of it on TV, and in papers, but having Vero come home, crying, makes it really closer to home. She didn't take photos of the people she slept with outside in a yard... or of the many areas where bodies were decaying and smelling, because they could not get them out. She only shot photos of buildings and places where she knew people who had died. And that in itself was enough.

Let's move back to yesterday. We had a long, L O N G, day at the airport. But it wasn't that hard, it was very interesting. We told you that Hendrick Motorsport has been helping MFI with passengers. Yesterday was the first time we had seen one of their planes up here. Wow, let me tell you, it is something!!! It is a gorgeous plane. I mean, UP TOWN!!! And to think they are using it to help missions. That was such an impressive thing!! But even better than the plane were the pilots. Now you KNOW we love our MFI pilots, and of course, we know they are Christian. Our guys are awesome, there are no two ways about that. But we didn't realize that the pilots of this plane were such awesome men, too. And the way they share about those they work with and was like a whole different MFI...the same love for the Lord, the same serving attitude, but in a different realm. I guess in reality we expected them to be like the Nascar people we see on TV. Not the pleasant fellows, but the ones who yell, and blow up. But this is definitely NOT the case with these guys. And we are finding out that the whole racing team is not that way either. Such a wonderful, exciting revelation for us. It's always been fun working with our Christian friends at MFI, but unexpected when a group comes in which we thought were just being great to help out a country in dire straights. Then to find out they are right there on our "team", working for the Lord. Sure wish we had the opportunity to fly with them, but just meeting them was great, so we are happy to see others coming to help who really love the Lord. And we are so thankful that they helped take some of the pressure off from MFI with bringing people while MFI was able to haul supplies. Go ahead and watch the races, and cheer for the guys racing on "God's Team"!!!!! All of them from the race car drivers to the owners, to the guys who fly the awesome planes. Neat to find a whole organization who love the Lord and are willing to step into situations that are not their usual area. Thanks a lot Hendrick Motorsport, for being an important part of helping Haiti.

And we can't forget what our awesome, hard working, over-extended pilots and staff at MFI have been doing and are STILL doing. In the last month, no matter when we called, someone was still at the office, working to get people and supplies to Haiti. We continue to pray for their strength and health. And for their families, who have given up so much. They have seen very little of their family since this whole situation started. So, keep MFI right up there on top of your prayer list. We also pray that the Lord will help them with the finances it has taken to get all of this work done.

And now, on to Tuesday.... wow.... this is something else in the country of Haiti!! I shared in the last blog, what we knew of and saw here in Cap Haiti and our area. But I am going to share just a little bit of what another missionary family experienced. Ray and Bonnie, and their daughter, Vanessa, live in Limbe. That is about 14 miles or so from us. Limbe is a very HOT place where VooDoo is concerned. Trouble always is at the forefront of things there. It takes only one person to set off sparks that result in violence. VooDoo has controlled that city for years and years. Ray came in to the airport Thursday, and shared their experience with us. Eventually I hope to have some photos or even a video he took to share with you.

Through the 5 days of fasting and prayer, Pastor Paul's church had service every one of those days from 6 AM until 1 PM. Then on Tuesday, the day of Mardi Gras, after the service (where over 500 people came to know the LORD!!!!!), they marched through the streets of Limbe. They asked Ray to take his car and the trailer he has to haul part of the sound system. He was a bit hesitant at first. He knew what could happen with so many people in one area. But he did go, and Vanessa went with him, and filmed a lot of it. The roads were packed with people cheering and praising God. Then the mayor got on the mike in the car in front of Ray. He said, we no longer have a government office for Limbe and no longer is my office for Limbe. These offices are now for the Lord Jesus Christ. And people cheered and cheered and were celebrating.

Pastor Paul was almost in tears (he may have BEEN in tears, but I'm not sure). He is a Haitian who has stood up to everyone and has been persecuted unjustly for his stand. He has gone through things no one should ever have to face. All for the love of the Lord. When he saw what took place Tuesday in his town, he said it's all been worth it. God is honoring this man's service to him and letting him see the results of his labors. Keep Paul and Belle in prayer, along with Ray and Bonnie as they not only deal with the quake victims, but now with the new believers. They have a huge job ahead of them.

HOW MIGHTY IS OUR GOD???? THIS IS NOT ONLY A HUGE ANSWER TO PRAYER, IT IS A MIRACLE FROM THE LORD!!!! Yes, we know some of the excitement will wear off and some of the people will return to their former ways, but as a whole, the city was bringing Christ to the center of their lives.

It is very hard to convey to you what this means to us and to the Haitians in our area, and especially in the Limbe area. God IS at work in Haiti, in a HUGE way. From the ashes of destruction, arises a new and wonderful beginning.

Please keep us and all of Haiti in your prayers. God is moving in mighty ways and we are excited to be here and be a part of it. And maybe it's true, we were sent here for a "time such as this". Keep rejoicing with us, and keep praying that the Lord will continue to provide so we can keep helping those He sends to us.

Until next time, God bless and keep walking for Him and praising Him!!!!!!!!!

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