Thursday, June 24, 2010

Our trip continues

So much has gone on, and we've seen so many people. It's been great. And we are finally getting to a point where we are relaxing. It's taken a long time, but, Praise God, we ARE relaxing. I guess we were wound up like a tight spring, and now we can take a deep breath and relax. We are in Pennsylvania, and guess what....there was an earthquake here yesterday. Yes, we were here in the path of it, but I guess we didn't realize it was a quake. Gee...are these things following us around? I don't think so. I truly believe that what is happening is right there in the Bible. It's exciting to be a part of things set forth in the Word of God, isn't it? Yes, in a way, I guess it's a bit scary, but it's so much more. We are walking through some of the things that were set forth so many, many years ago. I pray you are walking with the Lord and can rejoice with us in this. The Lord is the only way to have peace in all that is happening now, and all that is to come.

Okay, I'll back up and share some of our joys and trips with you. We will only be able to see 3 of our 5 kids, but we are happy we were able to see them. We also were able to spend some time with some very special friends. This couple prayed us into the Kingdom. God used more than just them, but their prayers were so important, then the witness of another great couple sharing their faith through their walk with the Lord, and finally, a fantastic pastor who opened the door and we walked through...God
used many to lead us to Him, and we are so thankful. We were able to spend some time with Duane and Carolyn, (who's walk showed us the Lord loud and clear). What a blessing to be able to praise God with those who had such an important part in leading us to the Lord. Thank you, Duane and Carolyn, for walking in a way to show us the true love of God.

When we visited our son in Green Bay, he and some of his family went with us to a really wonderful church, to worship with Karen and Gary, who prayed us into the Kingdom. (Karen and I have been friends since 7th grade). The service was such a wonderful uplift and joy for us. And a gal sang a song she wrote that was so evidently God inspired. Wish we could share it with you. The people in that church were gracious and loving. We are so thankful to have been there. And then we were able to spend some very special time with Karen and Gary the next morning. It is AWESOME
(yes, there is that word again) see God working in and through those who had such an important part in our lives. God is SO good!!!! (Yes, this is Karen and Gary, and we are in awe of what God is doing through them!)These are our kids (well, some of them)....Christine and her boys are always so willing to put up with us. We keep praying they will keep growing into what the Lord wants them to be. And it's a blessing for us to be with them.Dale and his family are always a blessing as well. It's exciting to see how the Lord is working in the lives of our family. These young men are rising up to be such an inspiration to many.
Todd and his family...YES those are our GREAT grandsons. It as a joy to see how they are growing. We pray God keeps His hands on all of them. We are so thankful that God is working in the lives of our children. As we walk with the Lord (and as our children are on their own path with Him) we have to praise God that He is there for all of our children, grandchildren and GREAT grandchildren.

I hope you enjoyed our short trip with our kids (those we were able to see, anyw
ay). We miss our kids so much, but just keep praying they will all be with us for eternity, with the Lord.

As I have mentioned before, we get daily and weekly devotionals via email. They are such a blessing for us, in SO MANY ways. The problem is, that when we are on the road, we don't always have a way to read them each day. But I wanted to share with you a small part of just one of those devotionals. If you want to read the whole thing, go to: It is "On Pens and Needles". She shares more than just the e-devotional there, and it's an inspiration. But the part I wanted to share with you today is this:

10 Predictions for 2011

1. The Bible will still have all the answers.

2. Prayer will still be the most powerful thing on earth.
3. The Holy Spirit will still move.

4. God will still honor the praises of His people.
5. There will still be God-anointed preaching.

6. There will still be singing of praise to God.
7. God will still pour out blessings upon His people.

8. There will still be room at the cross.
9. Jesus will still love you.

10. Jesus will still save the lost when they come to Him.

Isn't God AWESOME? I pray you are walking with the Lord and holding onto His hands. Let Him be your guide today and always!!!

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