Friday, December 16, 2011

Her Christmas Program

It's been a week...and then some.  Trying to keep Abbie toned down.  She was SO excited about the program.  I have to admit, it was a really neat one.  They did it as if there was a TV station there.  They really did an excellent job with it.  Some great actors in that school for sure.  They even put in was for a special "camel wash solution".  Of course they had to use whatever "props" they had.  But for the limited things available here, it was pulled off really well.  And they did sing in Spanish and then in French, too.  We enjoyed the whole thing.  Here are just a couple of pictures.

Don has been trying to be good about how much he uses his hand.  When I changed the bandage, I thought it was looking really good.  Of course it hurts...I'm sure it will for a while.  He didn't do very good at the airport on Tuesday, but Thursday went pretty good.  Just that both days were really long.  

Vero got her visa.  It's for a year.  She'll be going out on Tuesday for 2 weeks.  She is SUPPOSED to spend most of that time with her brother, whom she hasn't seen in over 15 years.  We'll see how it goes.  The sad thing is that Abbie will miss her mom being here for Christmas.  

Savanah is doing good.  She is gaining weight so quickly.  Sort of cut her back on how much she is eating.  She is the happiest kiddo.  Normally only cries when she is wet, dirty, or hungry.  And when she is ready for bed.  She has a  very short crying time, then just like turning off a light switch, she's asleep.  She really loves Abbie!!  As soon as she sees her, she is all smiles.

We've had some pretty heavy and constant rains lately.  We are praying it will ease off soon and let things dry up a bit.  And the rains brought down the temps, too.  Been pretty chilly here for us.  But it won't be long and we'll be complaining about the heat, right?  

Well, it's back to work...we are blessed that Pastor Paul and Belle will be coming for Christmas dinner with us.  Really good friends.  And a blessing in so many ways.

I hope your Christmas is totally CHRIST centered and wonderful.  We need to remember and share the REAL reason for this season...Jesus Christ coming to this earth to take our place before the Father.  We serve an awesome God!!!

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