One of our "girls" came and washed windows with me the other day. I could not believe that when I turned the hose on the screens on the sidewalk, I had puddles of MUD. I knew the windows were dirty, but didn't realize they were THAT dirty. And wow, now we can see out of them. Yes, the winds are still blowing dust, but for a while we have clean windows.
Savanah is keeping us laughing all the time. When she gets in trouble, she wants up, and then kisses and cuddles. Or when Don told her no, she hung her head for a long time. But she is a trooper, too. When she falls, she looks to us to see what we'll do. I tell her, get up, you're okay. So, she keeps on going. She loves her huge brown teddy bear. I really thought she'd be afraid of him, but she's not. She hugs him and loves to lay on him when she's tired.
A good friend of ours gave me some books on prayer, since I feel led to start doing some major intercessory praying. There was a statement in the front of the booklet by Brother Andrew and Al Janssen, "PRAYER, The Real Battle". It really hit home on the need we ALL have for praying and seeking God. And praying earnestly. The paragraph is by Ronald Dunn.
- "The Book of Acts is filled with prayer meetings; every forward thrust the first church made was immersed in prayer. Take another look at the church at Pentecost. They prayed ten days and preached ten minutes and three thousand people were saved. Today we pray ten minutes and preach ten days and are ecstatic if anyone is saved."
Doesn't that say something to you? We are putting more emphasis on what WE do and less on what God can do through our prayers. That paragraph really spoke to me about the need to immerse ourselves in prayer, and let God do the work. Isn't that the way it's supposed to be?
So, with that in mind, I'm going to cut this short and do a little more praying. Won't you join me in lifting up praises, thanksgiving and prayer needs to the Lord?
Till next time, I'll meet you in the prayer room..... blessings!!
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