Monday, April 8, 2013

What an eventful week

I'm sorry I haven't gotten on and updated things.  It's been a whirlwind here.  But then, I guess it normally IS that way in some form or another.  

First, the truck... well we sort of went around and around on things.  Yes, it was settled with the man who was hit... but then came the figuring out of "others" that we needed to ... pay.  The watchmen who watched the truck, the police who did their paperwork, the judge who had to make so many trips to court for us... (actually for the man who didn't show up), and the list goes on and on.  Now, before I complete this story, I want to share with you another one....

Yesterday at English church, we had another missionary friend speak.  I know I have shared on here a while back about Pritchard and Dana Adams.  The miracles in the lives of these great people is such an inspiration to so many.  Prit shared yesterday and was just as wonderful as we had expected.  I really enjoyed listening to him speak on the scriptures, and the power of God in us.  The passage that really hit home for both Don and I was in Mark 11:  22 $ 23.  Jesus is talking here about having the faith OF God.  Not the faith IN God.  After checking different sources, the real translation of that is having the faith OF God.  And then when you say to this mountain be removed, it will be cast into the sea.  Prit is a very powerful speaker, and the Spirit of God really flows from him.  I'm sure many of you have at some point in time, sat under a gifted teacher and could feel the moving of the Spirit.  That is exactly how it was yesterday.  I thought it was just me, but after service, I heard the Haitians even saying that they could feel God's presence, and that is not something they admit to very readily.  Anyway, Prit and Dana had said if anyone would like prayer, they would be happy to pray with them after service.  Don told me to ask them to pray about the truck situation.  The four of us held hands and were praying, and I felt such an overpowering peace come on me.  It was like a refreshing of my whole body.  I learned later that those standing close by had the same experience.  God WAS and IS moving in our lives.  We are so excited about it.  I think the part that uplifted my faith a lot was when Dana said something to the effect of moving the mountain of things blocking the truck from being released.  And I knew, that I knew, that I KNEW the truck would be in our yard today.  Talking with Don later at home, he felt the same way.

Then this morning, Belfort, our faithful friend, came to tell us he was headed out to the court and the judge yet again, to see what could be done.  He said, "I'll see you later, and maybe we will have the truck."   I told him Prit had prayed yesterday about the whole situation and that the truck WOULD be released today.   He smiled and said if Pastor Pritchard prayed, it will be done.  He smiled and said we'll see you later with the truck.  The day wore on, and no one came.  Don was in the garage working on the generator (it's been leaking oil).  I was in the living room and in walked Belfort and Daniel.  Daniel held out the truck key and asked where Fre Don was.  I said sit down, I'll get him.  I went to the garage and Don said, "look at this...", I don't know where he was pointing, but I simply held the key under his nose and smiled.  

So, we started praising God, BIG TIME!!  He moved the mountains... and the boys agreed.  We have the truck and the final papers on the accident, and it is finished!!  We are so relieved.  We can now fly out tomorrow and know that the Lord has taken care of it all and it is over.  Don't we serve an awesome God?  But I seem to keep mentioning that, don't I?   

On to the adoption.... I think I had shared that in with all of the papers we have (the legal ones), we have the power of attorney from the Haitian courts to act on behalf of Savanah.  And that is GREAT.  But this week, we received the Power of Attorney from the Canadian government, via the Haitian consulate in Canada, also.  We are covered on all fields now.  God is working in so many ways that it's almost hard to believe.  He has done so much and accomplished things we never could have done.  We really do stand in awe of Him and how He has worked in so many ways in our lives.  

The rains we had two nights ago were devastating in many areas here.  In one area, the homes are flooded again.  We had those horrible rains in early December and now again in April.  Please keep the people here in prayer.  The river is so high, the old French bridge that we normally cross to go to the airport is under water.  So we'll have to go through town again.  That means homes in many areas are under water.  It's heart breaking to see these people, who have no where else to go, living on their roofs.  And if it rains, they get wet yet again.  But what choice do they have.  They have no money to move, no place to go, they are simply living a very hard life.  YET, you see them smile..... they survived and are alive.  With nothing but their lives.  And again, I think .... "THERE BUT FOR THE GRACE OF GOD, GO I".  It could be any one of us.  Me, you, or your family.  How would YOU respond to that situation?  It's very humbling and very thought provoking.  

Well, I'll have to close for now and pray that blogger will let me post.  It seems to be fighting me tonight, but I know the Lord will help me get it posted.  Until next time, probably from the state side, keep Jesus at the front and center of all you do and say.  Let the Lord be your guide and trust completely in Him.  He is ABLE and WILLING to hear and help us in all situations.  And remember, to praise Him for all the answers He sends  your way, too!!   Blessings!  

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