Sunday, October 19, 2014

Time is flying by

I did send out an email and decided to copy it here with some of the pictures from Savanah's birthday.  But being "technically challenged", the pictures loaded first, not where I wanted them, but oh well.  Here she is with her "Birthday Princess" banner.
 And with her interactive baby tiger.  She loves to feed him and hear all his noises.
 The kids all got into playing with her kitchen gadgets and balloons. 
And now.. on to the newsletter.....

Time is flying by again.  So much to do and not a whole lot of time to get it all done.  I look around at my "computer room" and think, nope, I HAVE a computer in here, but it's become a "drop everything in here" room.  It will take me a couple of days to clear it out, but I don't HAVE those couple of days.  Savanah loves to "help" with whatever I am doing, so I have to chose what to do, since I'll then have to "redo" it. 

We have been sort of going in circles with the adoption papers here.  The pastor who has the last paper needed is missing.  Well, not missing as much as can't be located right now.  He lives in an area where there is almost no communication, so it's a time of wait and see when he turns up.  So, we would really appreciate a lot of prayer in this whole thing. 

One of the main reasons we need to get the adoption done is because of my situation with this crazy virus I had.  Some of the symptoms recur when you least expect it.  Have had a couple of days of not doing much because of it.  With Don trying to get so much done, I can't expect him to be here with Savanah, either.  We have a small team coming in to help fill buckets for Don's bucket ministry.  So he had to spend a whole day getting the supplies to put in the buckets.  And he had to do some work on the truck to get it ready for the team.  We had two gals clean the dorm since it hasn't been used since June.  Normally they do a great job.  This time we realized we have to go over and redo a lot and get some major things done.  I really praise God for Vero.  She walks in, sees the needs and starts working.  She has enough on her plate without the extra work here.  But since I am limited in how much I can do right now, I really appreciate her. 

And then there is Savanah!!  She turned 3 this last Thursday.  We had a small party for her on Friday.  Since the schools were closed because of a holiday here, we had it for lunch.  Just three of her friends (plus on additional young fellow we didn't expect).  Our daughter and son had done the shopping for me to get her some presents.  (I wish they could have been here to see her expression with all they got her.)  The kids had pizza, jello and cake.  Sounds a bit "different" having jello with the pizza, but it's what they love, so it was what they got.  This was the first year Savanah blew out her candles.  Before she was really afraid of the fire.  And this is the first time ever she ate cake.  That was something she simply didn't like before.  She made up for it now, though.  The kids all had a great time, and that is what counts. 

Don is off today taking a bunch of young men to a place they want to set up a ministry.  We praise God these young people are reaching out and taking God's word to so many places where it hasn't reached yet.  Time is short and God is moving in so many areas. 

Our prayer groups are doing fine.  We keep uplifting so many things to the Lord and are seeing God work in many ways.  We pray you are doing the same, lifting up others and their needs to the Lord.  It really is such an awesome way to keep the doors to heaven open and also to draw others to HIM.  No, the Lord doesn't always answer in the way we expect, but He does answer and it's usually better than we expect.  I still believe that God is TOTALLY AWESOME in all He does and the way He does it!!

We pray you are in a place where you don't have to look for the Lord, but only to reach out and grasp His Hand.  He is there for all of us.  He is there for us in whatever and whenever we need Him to be.  Remember to also praise and thank Him for what He has done and continues to do for us (and you) each and every day!!!   Blessings!!!

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