I just did a newsletter, so decided to copy it here so you all would know what was written. I mentioned the blog spot, so others may check it out too! Please keep me in prayer as I head to the states. And keep our kids in prayer too. Here is the letter, in part:
I just checked on our last news letter. It was way back in June… right after returning from the US. Wow, a LOT has happened since then. I guess it’s best to simply start where I remember…
Our container did arrive in June. Just after our son and family left. Yes, T., A., and J.M. came for a visit and we had a great time. Sadly, they left Haiti without him. And here it is the first of November and the papers are STILL not done
The container was a blessing and things were distributed quickly and efficiently. Many, many people were blessed by all the effort put into that container. All we can say is that God will bless those who put forth so much effort to get it here.
We had more teams over the summer. And such a joy and uplift for us and so many others. Have I ever mentioned how awesome God is? He accomplished so much through His followers. We praise Him for those He sends to help out.
The middle of September, on a Monday, just before a team came in, Don injured his foot. X-rays showed a hairline fracture just behind his toes, and he had torn the ligaments in the foot, also. Now, the first week of November, he is out of the “boot” and doing fine.
Our next container was to arrive the first week of October. Through circumstances beyond our control, it did not arrive until the 19th. It was a 20 foot one, packed tight. We received our first shipment of food from “Feed My Starving Children”. Wow, what a blessing!! It will help SO many areas!! Don has started delivering it already and people are really pleased with it. Add to this the other food items and you have God’s richest blessings for the people in our area. Not just food, but some always needed anti-acids, women’s products, SOCKS (Lots of socks), and the start of our Christmas Bags. Our Christmas container will be a majority of the Christmas Bags and scriptures. There was a great response and we should have in excess of 8500 bags to distribute. God is gracious, righteous, and awesome, AGAIN!!!
Our next item is a prayer request. Our oldest son and youngest daughter have some serious medical problems. Karen is going stateside to be with them for a while. Please keep Don, Karen and the kids in your prayers. Don will be alone for this time, Karen will need guidance and direction on what to do and what to say, and the kids, of course, for God to touch them and heal them, or be with them through this situation.
With Thanksgiving approaching, we want to give thanks for everyone who has helped us, and for all the work teams have accomplished. And we pray especially for those who have helped us with these containers which help SO MANY here. We are so thankful for what the Lord has done here in Haiti through the ministry here.
With the Christmas season approaching, please keep in mind, through all the “glitz and glitter” of this time, that the real reason for this season is Jesus Christ and all He did for us!! Jesus IS the reason for the season!!!
Until next time, or we’ll see you on the blog spot, remember, 1 John 4:4b, “greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.”
In His Name and Love