Thursday, November 15, 2007


Hello to all~

Yes, it's COLD here in Wisconsin!! And it's still HOT and RAINING in Haiti. I thought we had seen the last of the rains for a while before I left, but evidently they have gotten a lot more. Keep them in prayer. We sure didn't need more rains. The ground is totally saturated already.

Don's been busy, delivering food, dealing with customs at the airport (evidently a rough day on Tuesday), doing his "normal" stuff and now taking care of Abbie and trying to do my "stuff", too. He's been cooking, cleaning and chasing a very active two year old around. This is NOT easy on the best of days, and it seems he needs me there to help out.

But here I am in cold Wisconsin. It's so easy to forget how cold, cold is!! These temps are not bad for those who live here all the time, but anything below 70 degrees is COLD for me. And it's down near freezing. I just have to remember that "This too shall pass". It's so neat to sit and think of what heaven must be like... everything, temperatures included, will be perfect. Yet we really have NO concept of what heaven will really be like, do we? We think of the "ideal" in our minds, and yet, it must be so MUCH more than we can ever imagine. Very tempting to say, "Come Lord Jesus!!" But here we are, facing each day and it's struggles in this imperfect world. Don't really know how those without Jesus in their lives do it. But glad He is the rock and fortress in my life, someone I can lean on and depend on, no matter what the circumstances!!!

Please keep our kids in prayer. Two with health issues and one with "adoption" issues. All these tangled ropes that we wish we could just yank and straighten out. But life is never easy, is it? Praise the Lord we can hang on to His hand and walk through it with confidence that whatever we face, HE will be there and see us through. No, He doesn't take all the problems away, but He does walk through them with us, if we let Him.

Within the next few days we pray we will have some positive answers to some of the problems. Please pray with us on this. Keep Don in your prayers as he struggles daily with his own work and now the added things.

May the Lord wrap you in His arms, as He is doing for us!!! Till next time, or till we meet Him face to face.... grasp onto the Lord and HANG ON!!!!

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