Thankful and still waiting!
It's so hard to be where you want to be and not be able to do what you think should be done. I have now spent 3 weeks here in the US and am still "in the dark" as to what is wrong with our daughter. Lots of testing done and nothing found at this point. The docs admit there is a real problem, but are having a time finding what it is exactly. It's a bit upsetting for them, and frustrating for me, but my heart goes out to our daughter. She is simply in limbo with all of this. She has to keep on working, although they want her to quit. She has no income, so has no choice. The sermon yesterday (Sunday) gave me a bit of encouragement. Even if we do not know the "what and why" we are to praise God. My favorite verse is I Thess. 5: 16-18..."Be joyful always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." (NIV) It says give thanks IN all situations, not for all situations. So, in this confusing and unresolved time, I will give thanks. I am thankful the doctors are still searching and trying to find what is wrong. It's just hard when you watch your child (no matter the age of the child), go through such a hard and difficult time. But my trust in the Lord, and I will praise Him!!!We had a "Thanksgiving gathering" with three of our kids the Saturday after the official holiday. What a joy to finally see our two great grand sons. It was good to spend some time with our kids and grand kids. I was even able to spend a couple of days playing FOOSBALL with three of our grandsons. Nope, I didn't win much, but it was fun!!
I think the Lord let me spend this special time with family, not only for those with problems, but for me. I miss family so much and it was such an uplift to be with some of them for a time. Christine and her boys were one the main reasons I came out. I stayed with them.
I was able to spend some good time with Dale and his family, too.
And then Todd and his family came to spend time. I was able to spend more time with Todd than the whole family, but it was good time. And I finally got to meet our great grand sons, Alex and Hunter. Grandpa is holding Hunter and Mommy is holding Alex.
Please keep us all in your prayers. I'll post again soon. Hope your thanksgiving was special and God blessed.
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hi karen....thanks for your blogs. i love being able to here about what is current in your life. how frustrating it must be when a medical condition is a tough one to figure out. but i also love your verse that speaks of joy of the Lord even in the circumstance. you are such a faithful servant. it inspires me.
we are looking forward to seeing the 2 of you in 5 weeks. the team is formed and randy is doing such an awesome job in leadership.
thoma (dorival) and mirtha will know tomorrow if she is allowed to come to the usa. if she is granted the student visa, she will be here this friday, living with us.
i will continue to pray for your family and also for don in haiti. thanks also for the pictures of your family......great to see them.
love, sharon/gary schaeffer
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