Greetings to everyone,
It seems like time rushes by and we can't figure out where it went. The dental team has returned home. It's amazing how much they accomplished with so little. But the really neat thing is that they found most of the supplies they needed here in country. God was definitely watching out for them the whole time. We had a great week with them. They saw SO many patients and it's overwhelming how much was accomplished in hard circumstances. Several people have requested they consider coming twice a year. It's now a matter for prayer. Please keep that on your prayer list. This picture shows the three hygienists and the three dentists (in the background) at work.
Last Sunday we went to the Mont Joli hotel with the team. Had a good meal and they got to swim, too. We had Abbie along. She went in and sort of splashed on the edges, where there is a ledge. Then all of a sudden, in she went...WAY over her head. None of the team were there at the moment, so I went in after her, fully clothed. I had NOT intended on swimming. Got her up on the edge and wiped her face and the little stinker SMILED at me. No fear at all. She fell in again later on, but was right next to one of the team members, who grabbed her immediately. I had a hard time the next two days, thinking of what COULD have happened to her. Here is Abbie with Eric, one of the dentists. (Grandpa in the background).
The team left on Tuesday, and STILL no container. What a frustrating time, yet what a miraculous time, too. God showed us HE was in control, not us, and it worked out great. The problem is still with us. We were told Thursday that we would be able to get the container on Friday. Well, Friday at about 11 AM, we got word that we COULD have gotten it, but there was no room at the docks to put it down so it could be inspected. So, they told us that today we could come and get it. Does it surprise you that we got the SAME message today? Nope, no room to put the container down to be inspected. Now they are promising it to us on Monday... we will believe it when we see it. The problem now is that we have another team coming on Tuesday. It's a team from our home church. We are so excited they are coming. And our son and grandson will be on it, too. Another added blessing for us. If the container comes on Monday, much of the cargo will be stored in the dorm until different missions can come and get it. This will take up space the team would normally utilize. Pray about this with us.
Now the next saga comes in... the team is spending a day and a half at a clinic right near here, which is great. Then on Thursday and Friday, they are doing a conference for pastors and their wives. Well, today the pastor came to talk to me. The conference WILL take place, but it might be without the pastor from the church. He is having heart problems and is heading to the Dominican tomorrow. He hopes he will be back in time for the conference. He is an excellent man, and has made arrangements so that if he can't make it, it will still take place with others in charge. Pray for Pastor Codo. He is a wonderful pastor and we really need to lift him up in prayer.
MFI is still going strong. But can always use your prayers. They face a lot of struggles. Since the move to Fort Pierce, their passenger load has decreased. We know the move was something the Lord worked out and we are in awe as to what HE has done so far. But He will need to bring about another miracle to keep MFI moving. They may have to raise their rates, which for some missionaries would make it difficult, but they are way below not only the other airlines, but the other mission air services, too. So pray for them as they make the decisions that have to be made. We pray the Lord will give them wisdom and peace in their decisions.
Our weather is cool, and really nice. The rains have stopped for a time and we appreciate that. But with the temperatures down in the low 70's at night, a lot of people are getting sick. For Americans, this would be ideal. For Haitians (and us transplants) it's COLD when it gets down to 70. So, pray for those who are suffering from this weather.
I've been re-reading some books by Francine Rivers. They are the series of 5 about women in the Bible. Very humbling when you think of what some of those women had to go through. And we complain about such mundane things here. Sure opens your eyes to their dependence on the Lord for all things. Brings to mind the 23rd Psalm. "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death..." Sometimes our experiences make us FEEL like we are there, But then the Lord steps in and shows us He can lift us up and keep us in His care. We lift up our lives to Him daily and ask Him to take charge. I remember the bumper sticker that read, "If God is your co-pilot, change seats." That is SO true in our lives. We need to depend on Him FIRST and then go from there.
Back to work and study, so you all have a super great evening, and a really wonderful Sunday with the Lord!! May every day be filled with the presence of the creator of all things!! See you here, there or in the air.....
Well, we are in a wet and raining time again. The last week and a half the rains have been pretty steady. It IS the time of year for rains, but we needed some dry time for the team that just came in. They were heading to the north eastern community of Caracol. The main road is bad, but the road into the town from the main road is usually terrible. Well, the rains put a stop to the trip out there. Don would not risk the truck on that road. It was bad last year, and we didn't have rains. Don almost tipped the truck over. So, this year he had to make a decision on going or not. Well, the rains made that decision for him. So, the dental team had to find places to work here in our area. They have taken a day at the EBAC orphanage across and down a bit from us. I don't think they will see everyone there in the one day set for them. There were 91 people who wanted either pulling or cleaning. At the noon break, they had seen less than 30. And yet, that was a LOT of work. The next two days they will be at a church and again, there will be more than they can possibly see. Such a hard time for them, to make decisions on who and who not to see. But the team is GREAT... yes, with CAPITAL letters. This is a recurring team (not bad, like a disease returning), but coming at least once a year and doing fantastic work. Keep them in prayer as they face some hard decisions.
One of the main reasons they are facing difficulties is that our container STILL has not been released. And their supplies and tools are on that container. They are making due with what they could come up with, but it's still hard. We keep praying for the release of the container, but are still waiting. Such a waste of resources. And all our food stuff is sitting on the docks, in intense heat inside those containers. We cannot see anything positive coming from this, but the Lord knows all about it. Everyone is pushing to get this released, but it's the people in Port au Prince who are holding it up. So, please pray for the Lord to soften their hearts and release this humanitarian aid. It's so hard knowing there is food to give out and we can't open the door to get it.
We are definitely fighting a battle here. But I think most of it is in the spiritual realm. Satan is using people in authority to cause havoc with so many. Please put this request at the top of your prayer list. We need some strong prayer warriors at this time to stand with us in battle.
The rains have eased a bit and we pray they will stay that way. We could use a bit of drying out time right now.
Well, it's back to work here. We'll try to keep in touch with any news on the container situation. By the way, our SECOND container is also sitting on the docks, waiting for release. We are praying they won't both be released at the same time, but will take whatever we can get.
Keep looking up... your focus (as well as ours) is on the Lord!!
Hello again,
In all our turmoil over the container, it seems I have not mentioned our other prayer requests and concerns, and also our praises. I guess I have a one track mind right now. But there are other things we would love to have all of you pray about.
Our daughter had her most recent doctors appointment yesterday, and it's still so discouraging. They have given her reasons for some of the problems, but not given her a diagnosis as to what she actually has yet. I think it is just a hit and miss thing for them. Try this and try that and see what works. It probably is NOT that way, but it just SEEMS that way. I know my frustration level with this is high, so I can only imagine how high hers is. And she is facing a lot of other problems on top of the physical ones, so she needs a lot of prayer. Pray for physical, emotional and spiritual healing in all areas. We want the Lord to draw her closer and keep His hands on her through this terrible time in her life.
Our son also has no definite prognosis. It's like they are both "hanging in limbo". All we can do at this point is to pray for the Lord to intervene somehow and either help the doctors make a definite diagnosis, or heal the bodies of all of the problems occurring. And of course to draw them both closer to Him and let Him take control of their lives and situations.
Don is doing better now. He seems to be back to full steam. But being at full steam is wearing on him, too. So much to do and just not enough time or resources to do it all. I realize that the Lord may have another person in mind to help Don out, but He will have to reveal it to both Don and the other person, if that is the case. Learning to trust Him and leave things in His hands are two of the hardest things for strong, capable people to do.
As for me, Karen, I am doing fine. A little tired, a little worn, but still praising God. I am so thankful for the time I had with the three of our kids I was able to see. (But did wish I could have seen the other two, too). And for getting to see our 2 great grandsons. You can imagine how hard it is for a mom, grandmother, and great grandmother to not be able to see all those kids very often. I think that is the hardest thing for me being in Haiti. It isn't missing the stores, or the convenience of foods available or even the slower lifestyle. It's missing the kids, grandkids and great grandkids. Wanting to hold and be with them has been very hard on me. But, the Lord knows that and He has brought a little comfort in emails, Skype phones, and photos. When we first came to Haiti, communication was a letter once a month or so, and no phone calls. So, we are now blessed abundantly.
And we also have Veronique and Abbie living with us, so we do have "kids" here, too. Active Abbie is a blessing and a joy. Vero, her mommie, has been a blessing to us in so many ways, too. And it's funny, but when I get on the computer and turn on Skype, Abbie want to talk to Christine. She just has a hard time understanding that Christine can't see her shake her head yes or no.
And all of our other "kids" here...they are a blessing too. And they keep us going, that's for sure. The work with MFI continues and increases all the time.
So, we ask for prayers for our kids and their families in the US, for our kids here in Haiti, for MFI, and especially that we can continue to be in the Lord's will at all times.
Till next time.... Blessings from the Lord!!!!!
Happy New Year!!
I just realized how long it's been since I posted a note on here. Sorry for the delay, but it's been a bit hectic around here. I guess that sort of describes our life in Haiti. Hectic. I have this misguided thought that as we get older things slow down...NOT TRUE. It seems we are on a roll and things build and move much faster now. Would be nice to be able to step off this fast moving train and rest for a while, but that just isn't in the works right now.
We had a two day break between our "Christmas Bag team" and our "Christmas Team". Those two days were spent hounding our agent who was trying to get our container out of customs. The strike was settled, and our ship was back. They finally unloaded it onto the docks. Then the next saga started. The captain of the ship filled out the paperwork wrong. He had to redo it. Not just our container, but the whole ship of containers. So, he finally did it. The downside to this was that it all had to then be sent to Port au Prince for approval. And that is where the paperwork is now.. in PORT AU PRINCE. Our container is here at the docks and we cannot get it because of some fellow in Port.
To back up a bit here... our second team came in and were working with a national pastor. Part of their time was to be spent distributing some of those Christmas bags (still on the container) to the church they were working with. Well, that didn't occur. But they found other things to do, without a problem. It was a very productive team and they did accomplish almost all of what they came to do.
We had a quiet Christmas. Nope, no snow outside our windows. No commercial glitz and glitter here either. In fact, the stores in town were very empty, since their Christmas items were sitting at the docks, with our Christmas container. This was a very unusual time in Haiti, or at least in the Cap Haitien area.
I had brought back just a few Christmas presents from the states. Two and a half year old Abbie didn't remember Christmas from last year. She never even questioned the presents under the tree. On Christmas morning she opened her presents and was thrilled, especially with clothes. I think we have a clothes hound on our hands. The next morning she got up and said "Open Christmas presents??" It took a few days for her to realize that was a one time thing. She is 2 1/2, going on 20. Her vocabulary in both Creole and English is astonishing. And she uses it all the time. She is a talker, for sure. And she loves to sing and pray. She definitely is a highlight in our lives right now.
As I write this note, Stan, our faithful friend, supplier of containers, food gatherer, scripture sender, and much more, is here. He came in yesterday to help us sort out and distribute items from the container. This container we have waited for has the supplies for the dental team coming on Tuesday. So we need HUGE prayers that the Lord will work a miracle and release this container for this team to accomplish what they are coming to do. And we found out that our second container is also now sitting at the docks. We may be able to get this one without problems, but it is NOT the one desperately needed right now.
So, in summing up our last month, please pray that we can get this much needed container out. So many, many people will benefit from it. And pray for the situation with our new grandson. His paperwork has not yet been released either. And they have taken a step backward. Paperwork in this country is more than frustrating. Keep us all in prayer.
Until the next time, may the Lord richly bless your New Year and bring you happiness in Him.