I just realized how long it's been since I posted a note on here. Sorry for the delay, but it's been a bit hectic around here. I guess that sort of describes our life in Haiti. Hectic. I have this misguided thought that as we get older things slow down...NOT TRUE. It seems we are on a roll and things build and move much faster now. Would be nice to be able to step off this fast moving train and rest for a while, but that just isn't in the works right now.
We had a two day break between our "Christmas Bag team" and our "Christmas Team". Those two days were spent hounding our agent who was trying to get our container out of customs. The strike was settled, and our ship was back. They finally unloaded it onto the docks. Then the next saga started. The captain of the ship filled out the paperwork wrong. He had to redo it. Not just our container, but the whole ship of containers. So, he finally did it. The downside to this was that it all had to then be sent to Port au Prince for approval. And that is where the paperwork is now.. in PORT AU PRINCE. Our container is here at the docks and we cannot get it because of some fellow in Port.
To back up a bit here... our second team came in and were working with a national pastor. Part of their time was to be spent distributing some of those Christmas bags (still on the container) to the church they were working with. Well, that didn't occur. But they found other things to do, without a problem. It was a very productive team and they did accomplish almost all of what they came to do.
We had a quiet Christmas. Nope, no snow outside our windows. No commercial glitz and glitter here either. In fact, the stores in town were very empty, since their Christmas items were sitting at the docks, with our Christmas container. This was a very unusual time in Haiti, or at least in the Cap Haitien area.
I had brought back just a few Christmas presents from the states. Two and a half year old Abbie didn't remember Christmas from last year. She never even questioned the presents under the tree. On Christmas morning she opened her presents and was thrilled, especially with clothes. I think we have a clothes hound on our hands. The next morning she got up and said "Open Christmas presents??" It took a few days for her to realize that was a one time thing. She is 2 1/2, going on 20. Her vocabulary in both Creole and English is astonishing. And she uses it all the time. She is a talker, for sure. And she loves to sing and pray. She definitely is a highlight in our lives right now.
So, in summing up our last month, please pray that we can get this much needed container out. So many, many people will benefit from it. And pray for the situation with our new grandson. His paperwork has not yet been released either. And they have taken a step backward. Paperwork in this country is more than frustrating. Keep us all in prayer.
Until the next time, may the Lord richly bless your New Year and bring you happiness in Him.
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