Thursday, February 28, 2008

How is your salt??

Hello again,
We live in a whirlwind here. About the time we think we might be able to sit down and take a deep breath something else comes up. And yet, through it all, we have to keep our focus on the fact that GOD KNOWS what is going on and where we are.

Don has delivered most of the food that came on the first container, praise the Lord! And the Christmas Bags have finally been taken care of. Now we have to start praying about getting this second container released at a reasonable rate. The cost is staggering, and the Lord is the only one who can change that. A real need for prayer is the whole situation with customs here. Food and materials are becoming scarce. With nothing being released, many are suffering now. It won't be long and it will become a very critical situation.

We have another team here now. It's a medical team. They have gone quite a ways out to spend a few days doing a clinic. Praise God for good weather and safe roads for the trip. They will return here, today, and have a clinic at another church on Monday. So many needs in this country and we praise God for the people He has called to help out. The team has some of our "old" friends and some new ones, too. We are so happy when people return to serve again, but also when new people feel the call to come and help. It's great how the Lord works it all out.

The frustration of our son and daughter-in-law's adoption process is continuing. Please keep this in prayer. We realize they are not the only ones in this situation, but they are the ones close to our hearts and we want to see our new grandson come home before he gets any older. He was seven when they started and he is now ten. Pray that hearts and minds will be changed and that this, and other adoptions, will be facilitated quickly.

We are back to the "maybe tomorrow" point with the second container. This last week we were told that we could get the inspection done. So, each day we get ready to go down to the wharf and do it. Each day something new comes up and we are put off. It was supposed to happen again this morning, but now they say, Monday. If God is teaching us patience, we are VERY slow at learning. I keep thinking of the scripture where it says through trials we will be perfected.... I know we aren't perfect, but with all of this, we must be coming close!!! (No, I really know we aren't, it just feels that way!)

Our good friend, Roy, sent a devotional on being salt. It was so good! What good is salt that is left in the salt shaker, and what good is salt that has lost it's flavor? Neither is doing it's job. It's the same with us. Is our "salt" (the love of Jesus) left inside of us, or are we using it to "flavor" others? Or has it become useless, with no flavor left? Tip your shaker and start "flavoring" others, or replace the useless stuff and become "new in Christ". If we become stagnant in our zeal for Christ, we, as well as others, are missing out on the blessings the Lord has for us. Salt the earth with your love for the Lord. Let others see your "flavor". I remember a commercial, from a long time ago, that said, "reach out and touch someone". That's what, as Christians, we are to be doing. Wow... was that a sermon or what? Guess I'd better get the salt shaker moving!! And all thanks to Roy!!!

Okay, for now I have to get moving and back to work. I just wanted to come on and let you all know we are still here and working... if going in circles constitutes work!! But we are also still depending on the Lord and following His directions!

Blessings... and remember to shake up your salt shaker and get it working!!

1 comment:

Amy said...

My mom used to have this sign in her house "Blessed are those who run in circles for they shall be called Big Wheels".