Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Hanna in Haiti

Just a quick note to let you all know about Hanna and Haiti. It's been pretty wet and wild...and not an amusement park kind. I'm sure you all know hurricanes (or those forming into one) revolve in a counter-clockwise direction. I think this is why we were so blessed and didn't get the winds that all those around us experienced. We had rain, and rain and rain again. Since last night it's been pretty constant. And at times really heavy. But I think the mountains just to the north-west of us sheered the winds. It was sort of weird, hearing that in Limbe they had winds that took down all the banana trees and there was lots of damage. And up at Pignon, they had winds up to about 50 miles per hour. But here we were almost calm. Oh we had some gusts, but nothing damaging.

The opposite of that is Gonaives, half way to Port au Prince. They were already flooding during the night last night. And we have had several reports that the town is under water and in worse shape than they were a few years ago. Please keep those people in prayer. We have heard that bodies of humans and animals are floating around again. And the waters are still rising.

Hanna has kept growing in size. And the winds are just below hurricane speed. We are really praying that the Lord will turn it away from Florida or simply weaken it to a point where there is no more damage.

And there comes Ike. We didn't need another storm right on the tail end of this one, but it's there none the less. And it seems to be headed right across the northern coast of the island. All of this means no MFI flights, and we are not sure when they will be able to start flying this way again. They may have to evacuate to another area if Hanna heads up the east coast of Florida. This storm has taken so many different turns, that I'm not sure anyone can predict where it will go next. And after Ike, another one is coming, but it looks like it will turn north and avoid land all together. (We pray for that).

We have 2 people here who were supposed to leave today. MFI had cancelled yesterday, so they got tickets on Lynx. First, the airport here was closed, then Lynx cancelled their flight, also. No idea when they will be able to come again either. Pray that all those who were supposed to fly out will find a way, or have the peace of the Lord in being stranded here.

I'd best close and button down the house for the night. Like I said before, who knows where this crazy storm will go next.

Have a super day tomorrow (or today as the case may be). Cling to the Lord and let Him be your guide. And yes, even in this mess Hanna has created, we still cling to First Thess. 5: 16-18, "Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." NIV

1 comment:

Jayson and Katy said...

Glad to hear that you were spared the winds but sad to hear about the other towns getting hit so hard. Please tell Abby and Dillon that we are praying for all of you and to enjoy the extra time the Lord has given them in Haiti.

Don and Karen -- Thanks for taking such good care of them. Talk to you soon.