Friday, August 13, 2010

August 13th update

We have been busy...but that is life no matter where you are, right? On Tuesday we had a team arrive. This has been, and will continue to be, a great time. They will be doing "Kids Fest" (similar to VBS), with 500 children at the IDADEE compound. Yes, it's a HUGE undertaking, but they are doing great with the set up already. And yes, there are some minor problems, but with the Lord's help, it will all go great. The two following pictures are of the team getting name tags on the 500 plus shirts for the Kids Fest. And then there is one of the tents being put up...which blew down last night, so they are working on getting it (which is a borrowed tent), and the 6 smaller ones (which the team brought) up today.We finally inspected our next container. The team wanted to help with that, and they did a super job. I think it was a bit more than they realized...with the temps inside the containers will over 100 degrees and the sun and humidity and upper 90's outside was a bit intense. It was accomplished in record time and now the wait starts. As soon as we hear from our broker, we'll get a price. Pray with us that it will be lower than the last one.We do have a huge prayer request. Vero has been having some major problems at Culligan with the workers there. This has gone on for quite a while and she has been praying God would change hearts there. But we now believe she needs to change jobs. So, please pray with us that the Lord will open a door for her to find another job. I guess we'd like to be specific in those prayers. Pray that a job will be found close to home, with the pay near or even above what she now gets, and that she would have at least one, if not more Christians to work with.

As of this week, Abbie will no longer be going to school at the EBAC orphanage. We have arranged for her to attend the Cowman school, right here by our house. (It's the OMS English school). We had prayed about this and we all felt it was what the Lord was directing. We needed a place that had more security for her. She knows many of the children there and will fit in fine. But we do ask for prayers for this transition in her life.

I am starting this week to work on some paperwork for us, concerning MFI. I need a list of all the mission we serve here in Cap. Since MFI is adding missions every month, we have gotten out of touch with who actually is on the list. It's vital we have this information when giving out mail and nothing gets into the wrong hands. I'm afraid it's going to take me days to accomplish this, but it will work out.

Pray for strength and endurance through this really hot and humid time here. We have seen many days over 100 degrees. This, combined with the ultra high humidity has nerves and tempers on edge all over the place. Mid August through the end of September is our hottest time of year but this year it seems so much more intense. The Haitians have commented that the last couple of years it has gotten worse and worse, and we feel they are right. We've had rains often, which keeps the humidity in the upper 90's, so you can see why everyone walks around wet. We are praying for our winter temps that are normally in the upper 70's. The temperature range here isn't huge...mid 70's a low and upper 90's as a high, year round. And yes, 70 degrees here is getting cold for everyone.

Okay, it's back to work...I'll try to post more photos in the next few days. Have a REALLY God blessed day. And keep your hand in HIS!!!

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