Monday, August 16, 2010

Kids Fest has started

I don't have pictures from today yet...mainly because the team is out there and things have just gotten started. Their week of set-up and training has paid off though. I talked to Shannon, the team leader, just a few minutes ago and she said things are going really great. They have had no security problems, and everything is very orderly. I do have a few pictures from Saturday when they went out and did a final check on things. The first one is the IDADEE orphanage and it's coming along really well. The second one is a view from the orphanage toward the 7 tents (one huge one and 6 smaller ones). The last one is when they had the training session going. God has worked some real miracles with this whole situation.I will, at this point, ask for a few prayers. First, top of the list, please pray for the team this week as the Kids Fest progresses and pray for hearts to be open and touched by the Lord. The main focus is to bring these young people to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Second on the list, please pray for Abbie. We are registering her this week for her new school. Pray for her to be comfortable and willing to go there. Also, pray for her ear...she has a pretty bad infection and is on meds for it, but we'd like to see that healed. And last, please pray for me. I have a pinched nerve (or nerves) in the neck and it's gotten pretty bad. My right arm is almost useless. Just got word from the doctor last night that he is only allowing me one trip to the airport a week now, as he feels that is aggravating the situation. He has also given me a whole list of dos and don'ts.... My one praise here is that I have had no problems being on here and can continue to do the work I need to do as far as the computer goes. Not a lot else, but at least I can do SOMETHING!! VERY frustrating for me right now. I'm not to drive at all, since shifting causes quite a bit of pain, so I'm pretty much useless at this point. Pray for my attitude in all of this as I am pretty low and upset. The pain is one thing, but not being able to do my work is the hard part.

Don made some big deliveries this morning and more tomorrow. The team helped him clean out the containers and depot yesterday and got it ready for the container. What a HUGE blessing for us. We have asked them to hold off the container until next Monday (IF we have clearance by then). Computers are down at customs so we have to wait on that. But waiting for next Monday, the team can help unload and also our regular unloaders will be free from working at Kids Fest. We praise God the inspection of the container is done, anyway.

Had a great service and message at English Church yesterday. The team played a huge part in that. We had some glitches, but we are in Haiti, and did fine. This team is REALLY a HUGE blessing in so many ways for us. We praise God for sending the right group of people on it.

Okay, for now...have a super great, God blessed, Jesus following day!!!

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