Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A Wake Up Call

This will be short, but I wanted to share just a bit of something with you all.  Some very good friends of ours sent us a DVD series.  Note: he is in the midst of a huge battle with cancer.  But they sent these DVD's to encourage US.  

I had heard of this speaker (preacher) before, and I have listened to some of his things.  He is good, to say the least.  But these DVD's gave us a whole new insight and perspective on the cross.  He enjoys science and the first and part of the second DVD deal with some of that (which I have seen before).  But from that point on....all I can say is WOW!!  I know that not everyone will see this as I have.  God gives us what we need when we need it.  But I saw this not only in reference to our friends who sent it, but to my own life and what God wants from ME and how He wants ME to respond to it.  I can honestly say that I see the CROSS in a whole new light.  

We have one more DVD to watch, but already, I want to see everyone see these and grasp what the Lord has for you.  I was touched, and I cried.  Not just for those he was sharing about, but for those I know who need to hear this.  I've been battling a very bad cold, which seemed to be heading into pneumonia...but that is so unimportant now.  And I do believe that the Lord is taking care of that, too.  But He is turning me to look at things and see things in a totally different way now.  

I could go on and on, and probably confuse everyone, but I'd rather you find and watch these DVD's.  I can't put into words what the Lord has shown me through these.  And, yes, maybe it won't effect you the same way.  But the truths here can't be denied.  SOOOO..... if you have a way, please watch Louie Giglio's DVD series  "The Heart Of Passion".  And I pray God will open in your heart some new understanding, like He has for me.  I didn't mean to preach, but this did touch me so much.

Pray for MFI.  We got word yesterday evening that the plane that left here was still in Turks and Cacaos last night.  We really weren't sure if there had been an accident or what.  I finally called Dick Snook and asked.  He had just landed the small MFI plane and gotten the details.  Our plane was just then getting ready to take off.  They landed, fueled up and then the airport keep holding them (and others I guess) from taking off.  A hole was found in the runway.  That really could have been a disaster if a wheel on any plane had hit it.  Praise God no one did, but they were fixing it.  The downside was that our passengers didn't even get to West Palm Beach until 12:30 in the morning.  They must have been exhausted.  And the pilots were probably REALLY worn out and ready for a day off.  They start their days at like between 3:30 and 4 AM.  So they were getting close to being up for 24 hours...  Pray for them.  We only have the one plane flying at this point.  Safety checks and repairs have two of them off line.  By next week there should be two in the air again.  We really praise God for His Hands on those planes and on the pilots and passengers.  There have been many comments (all positive) about our pilots praying with the passengers before each flight.  Again....GOD IS AWESOME!!!

For now...let the Lord lead and guide you in all you do.  Keep HIM with you wherever you go and let Him guide and direct you.  He really is "Indescribable"!

1 comment:

Barbara T. Fox said...

Good blog. This is a nice article to read. Thanks for sharing it to us.