Monday, November 7, 2011


Well, the heat is slowly receding.  We have had some really heavy rains the last couple of days.  Wish I had taken a picture of our yard, but when I thought of it, too late.  Abbie stood on the porch and said, "Grandma...we have a beach!  Can I go swimming?"  Our whole big yard was water...and yes, it looked like a beach.  You could see very little grass or ground anywhere.  It came down in buckets for about 2 hours.  Many places needed the rains, but not sure if they needed it like it came!!

I did get a picture of one of our candles in the living room, between the door and window.  That shows you what the heat was like in our house.  And, our place is cooler than most, with insulation over the ceiling.  

Brings back memories of YEARS ago.  My folks were on vacation in the summer, and asked my sister and I to take turns checking their house out.  One day we both met at the house, opened the door and were hit with a blast furnace.  For some reason the furnace had kicked on, and never shut off.  A friend came and shut it down and then called the repair man.  But on the dining room table, mom had two candles with a centerpiece.  Both long candles were melted completely around the base, in a circle.  I think we took a picture of it, but don't remember.  Well, that's almost Haiti weather.  

We had some excitement last night.  I think I wrote that our guards were really pushing to get the gate finished.  And it's been done enough to close at night now.  About 2 weeks ago some guys broke into the OMS compound next to us.  Our guard said they tried to come through our drive, but couldn't get in.  So, they went to the other side of the OMS compound and climbed the fence.  Last night about 3:15 AM, our dogs went wild.  I got up and was checking out the windows.  Saw our watchman with a flashlight, but nothing else.  This kept on for over half an hour.  We got one strange phone one answered me.  Then a while later, the man who is heading up their mission called (3:45 AM?) and asked us to have the guard open the gate for the police when they got there.  Guys again had scaled the walls to the other mission and broken in.  Our guards keep telling us  how happy they are with the gate.  We also have 3 stray dogs who have adopted us and stay here (we had tried to get them out, but no way would they leave).  But now...we don't complain, they sure do keep everyone out at night!!

It's back to work again.  I hope your days aren't quite as exciting as ours have been lately.  We sure are praising God that He is there with us and keeping His eyes on us.  Remember to keep your eyes on the the Lord and walk with Him!!

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