I think I am having a "blog breakdown". I posted a blog about a week ago, and it doesn't show I sent it. I realize I am pretty computer illiterate, but boy this is getting to me. So, pray that I will be able to figure out what/where I'm messing up. At least I was finally able to change settings so I could get into this thing.
I asked for prayers for rain, and of course, HE came through. We did have some nice rains, and EVERYONE here has been so thankful. We can still use more, but this is a great start.
Sunday at English church, that was one of the praises mentioned. I really do praise God that we have been having more and more Haitians share in English church. I'm glad they are feeling a part of our worship enough to participate.
I was checking to see what I HAVE been able to share...and wow, not only missing ONE post, but two. So, let me see if I can remember what all has happened in the last 2 weeks.... and WOW, it's October already. Is it just that I'm getting older, or is time really going so much faster now? Well, maybe I don't want an answer to that one.
Guess I'll start with the center of our lives for now. That, of course, is Savanah. She will be one year old this month. I can't believe we have had her that long already. Now I have to hurry and get something ordered for her birthday. I didn't realize it was coming up that soon. She has her two bottom teeth, and really does use them a lot. The two top ones are trying to come in. One day one of them poked through, but by that night, was back under the gum again. One of our girls did the same thing, if I remember right. This little one is running (not walking) all over the place. She has been for about three weeks already. The first two days were rough on her...she would start out and try to run and fall. But she mastered it quickly. And at ten months old, this little tyke started whistling. I had whistled at the dogs, and she watched my mouth very closely. Then puckered up and started whistling. She is SO very observant, and tries whatever she can. She snaps her fingers, too, but at this point, no noise goes with it. Doesn't quite have the SNAP part down, although all the actions are there.
One of the communities where Don delivers water is way up on the mountain. He has quite a time getting there. He was taking it to one family, but others came and asked for "only a small bowl" of water. So, he has gone back up there and taken water for the small community. One older lady (I wonder if she is older than we are?) has helped him keep order. So, when all was said and done and the tank empty, he gave her a small box with some rice meals, oatmeal, soaps and shampoo in it. She was really thankful for that help. So little meant so much. It is really hard for Don to go into these communities and help, when the needs are so great. They have absolutely NOTHING and are so thankful for any help, even a pitcher of water. This is definitely a case of "There but by the Grace of God, go I". And several other areas are the same. They would plant a very small garden, IF THEY HAD SOMETHING TO PLANT!! Again, the needs are so vast, and resources so limited. I know the Bible says the poor will always be with us, but it's really hard to sit down to a meal here and think of those with nothing, down the street. Pray for strength, wisdom and compassion for us as we deal with this.
Our temperatures are still in the upper 90's... I think we have left the 100's behind (I pray we have anyway). But at noon it was only 95 today, so it did come down some. With the rain we had, it's muggy, but we are still thankful for the rain. I planted some tomato plants in little pots. I can't believe they are actually growing. (My plastic flowers die... I just can't get anything to grow). In a day or so, Don will replant them into our Topsie Turvey planter. Then we pray the birds won't eat them. We are the only ones around here with birds. And Don really likes having them. Mostly humming birds and some little finch like ones (those are ONLY in Haiti). Everywhere else the kids try to kill the birds... not sure if for food (which a finch or humming birds would not be) or if they are just being mean. But everyone is really surprised we have birds nesting in our yard. Really like the sounds of birds singing. Just hope they don't like my tomato plants.
Found out recently that when we go out, we will be able to stay in the beautiful little cottage on the lake where we stayed before. Don is SO looking forward to seeing deer everywhere again. We are so thankful to Bud and Sharon for having this fantastic retreat. It's such a blessing. Our trip starts the first part of April this year because of Don's cataract surgery. So it will be a lot cooler than we are used to, but that's fine.
Another mission will be using our dorm facilities for a while. Glad to see it in use again. We won't have much to do with the teams, since they are not for us, but one group coming in are former missionaries and good friends. We will be spending some time with them, for sure.
I have started working at the airport one day a week again. Vero will stay with Savanah on those days. The director asked if I could put in a little time out there, so that is fine. My first day back was a real challenge. They closed the old runway and opened the new one. We are still in the same buildings, but have to get on a bus or van to get to the planes now. You can't even see them land, it's WAY down the other end of the airport. It was an interesting day, but you could see by the end of the day they were getting things working smoother than at the start. Pastor Saintil and I had stayed to see the plane off, and all of a sudden, we had no transportation to get back to the buildings. And it would be a L O N G walk back. But security saw our predicament and got someone out there to pick us up. This will be a very interesting transition for the airport as a whole. Keep MFI in prayer as they too, have to adjust to these changes.
We are praying for the US elections. Have joined in the 40 days of prayer for the whole situation. I hope you are not only praying, but planning on voting. We already have our absentee ballots and are sending them out on Thursday.
Along with that, please pray for Haiti, it's officials and the people. Both countries are in need of intervention by the Lord. As I posted before, we need to follow 2 Chron. 7: 14. which starts... "...if MY people, who are called by My Name, will humble themselves and pray...." I hope YOU are a part of those people who are diligently praying for your country.
Until next time, and prayerfully this WILL post... God bless and keep you. May you turn your eyes and ears to His leading and follow where He leads.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
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