Tuesday, March 26, 2013

I'll try again

Well, no matter how many times I've tried to post our newsletter here, it simply won't load. So, guess if you want to read it, send me a note (HH5DAD@starband.net) and I'll send it via email.

Lots has happened this last week.  I was trying to put things in order, and simply thought, okay, just write it as you remember it and let it go at that.

Last week, Jane, Bud, Sammy, Savanah and I were getting ready to head to Port au Prince to see the lawyer there, and then make the trip to IBESR (Haitian Social Services, sort of).  Tuesday morning, Bud woke up to get this car ready for the trip... the radiator went out, or down, or whatever you want to call it... it was broken.  So, we got ready to take our Toyota.  Had to make a quick trip to Cap before leaving.  Made it to the psychologists office by 7 AM, picked up the documents needed there, then headed  back to pack and leave.  Roads were GREAT.  I don't think I've ever been on Haitian roads and gone that far without some major problems in the roads.  This was a surprise for us.  The kids traveled pretty well... although both soaked their car seats within the first 2 hours.  Our major hang up was in Port and their traffic.  But we made it safe and sound.  

I called Don to let him know we were at ORMISO (OMS's guest house).  He said are you sitting down?  After the second time, I said, did you have an accident?  Yes, he had.  He hit a motorcycle.  Not real clear on all that was involved though.  The police impounded the truck, took his license and the fellow he hit went to the hospital.  He was WAY the other side of Cap when it happened.  Belfort, one of our former puppeteers, was with him.  They had to come home on motos... (motorcycles).  Jane immediately called our lawyer in Cap and told him what happened.  He called Don immediately and started working on it.  Pastor Cebien, Belfort, Lilibet and Dado Dela Feunte came to be with Don that evening.  The knew he would need some support.  And praying with Christian friends helps tremendously.  Jane, Bud and I did our praying at the villa in Port.  The man was released from the hospital and had no broken bones or any major problems, PTL!

I'll try to keep this short, since the blogger is giving me issues today.  Our trip to the lawyer the next day went great.  (We need one in Cap and one in Port).  And then we went to IBESR and met with the people there.  Little did we know we would end up with the top man.  But he was nice, and tried to explain everything to us that we had not done.  Long story short... we have to start at step ONE, which we had not done (due to the fact we had no idea we had to do this).  From that point on, he said we could do what else needed doing... then he realized we had already DONE most of that.  So, now we need to complete more paperwork here, and both adoptive parents have to get theirs done there.  Then we can proceed with getting the adoptions approved by IBESR.  They seem willing to work with us and help where they can, since both of these are very different and difficult adoptions, and not really under the new laws.  So, please pray, pray, pray, for things to get done, and to work smoothly to completion.  

Now back to Don and his situation.  Belfort has been the "go for it" guy for us in all of this.  He sat with the judge on Monday, waiting for the other guy to show up, and to make a final declaration and settlement.  The guy never came.  The judge said, either Tuesday or Wednesday it would be settled.  So, here we are, still without a truck and Don  has no license yet.  Pray, pray, pray about this, too, please.

I drove to the airport today, which was fine.  But summer is HERE, big time.  It was SO hot out there.  It was either in the upper 80's or low 90's all day.  Not much breeze, unless you were behind a plane starting up.  

The neat thing is, we received a HUGE box.  I think I need to explain the reason for the box before I tell you about it.  Don has had one fellow through the years who he has hired many, many times.  He was a GREAT worker, never begged, simply looked for work to support his family.  And he was an honest, hard worker.  Well, two months ago, he was out at a site where they are chopping rocks out of the mountainside to sell.  As he was working, a huge bolder broke loose and came down on his leg.  They had to amputate it above the knee.  But he is alive.  Just not able to work, much less get anywhere.  While we were out last month, Don had asked MFI if they had any wheel chairs left.  (People donate so many things to them).  Nope, they had none.  But Dick said they had a P.E.T. there.  Personal Energy Transportation.  I don't know if I can put the picture here or not, but I'll try.
  Mobility with a PET  
This "vehicle" used ARM energy to move it.  And this man's arms are strong enough, since he did such hard physical work.  Well, this "machine" came in today.  Don is going to assemble it and once we give it to him, we'll get some photos of HIM in it.  This is such a blessing.  You can check out their web site at:   http://petmntc.org/    This is an awesome group who are helping those in foreign countries who have physical problems and cannot walk.  REALLY a God send for our guy here.  

Well, I'd best close and pray I can post this.  I will keep you all updated as things progress here.  But please, in the mean time, keep praying.  We know, without a doubt, that the Lord is hearing and is answering prayers already.  Don't know how, but we are not concerned about that right now.  God is faithful and just and He'll do what needs to be done.  We only have to trust and obey... That song has taken on new meaning lately.  But we ARE TRUSTING and OBEYING. 

Thanks for your prayers and concern.  Our prayers go out for each and every one of you, too.  May the Lord Bless and Keep you!  

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