Most of what is in the newsletter has already been posted, but a few minor ones may be new. But, here it is!! P.S. The photos mentioned have already been posted here on the blog previously.
Davis in Haiti ~ Jan., Feb., and March 2010
I realize it's been a long time since we have gotten a newsletter out. Our lives have been really, really hectic these last three months. I will try to give you an idea of what has been happening, although most of you have seen some of the situation on TV and in the news. Being here in the midst of it all has been a bit different than what you have heard. I will include some photos with this, which are more personal than what you have seen before. But let's back up and start way back at the beginning of the year.
We have been blessed with 8 teams since the first of the year. And I mean BLESSED. They have all accomplished so much. I can't tell you how much has been done for so many. The variety of teams has been awesome, too. We have had pastors conferences, medical, dental, construction and even evangelism work done. And then we were doubly blessed when first one couple from Camano Island stayed for three weeks to help out (and believe me, they really were put to work). And then another friend from Camano stayed to help out while I went stateside for some tests. (But I did get to enjoy her, too, when I returned).
We have also gotten containers in the last 3 months. We are SO thankful for these especially since the needs have increased so drastically. In between the teams, and even while the teams were here, Don has been making some very needed deliveries of food. Most of the people we help, who have little or no means of support, have had families come up from Port to live with them. These families have nothing, since they lost it all in the earthquake. And now these destitute people have even more on their plates. The only positive thing is that they now have a safe place to lay their heads, even if it's in the yard. And that is not uncommon here. There can be 15 to 20 people sleeping in a yard, on the ground, even in the rain. I don't think Americans realize the desperate situations that now exist because of the quake. Many of the people are happy to sleep outside on the ground, because they fear sleeping inside a building that may collapse.
That is one of the reasons we had been trying to get tents. They were happy to sleep inside a tent, since even if it collapsed, it would not maim or kill them.
Cap Haitian has seen an increase of somewhere between 200,000 and 300,000 people. It is hard to count, since many simply wandered up here without the assistance of the UN, or other organizations. So a consensus of the numbers is almost impossible. And alot of the people who came up here, have no relatives or friends to stay with, and are simply living on the streets.
If you have been able to follow our blog, you would have seen some of the situations. There are just so many, and it's been so difficult to help all those who come for help. But we are praising God for the assistance that has come our way. So many have responded in so many ways. One gal has found a way to send us many tents, all on her own. What a blessing she has been. And others have sent food, which was sent mostly to Port, and some given out here. And then those who send funds have been a tremendous help. We have been able to help so many, many people thanks to those of you who have cared so much. Our bucket ministry is also helping those who are in such difficult situations. With the relief money that has come in, we are working through 6 Haitian pastors. Two of these already have over 1,000 people they and their congregation are helping through their church.
Just a bit of where some of this has gone...we have been able to send truck loads of food and supplies, plus tents to Port au Prince, to help those we know there who have unending needs now. Many people are sleeping on top of rubble where their homes were, just to make sure they don't lose their property. They have hopes that eventually they can rebuild. But this may take a LONG time. So they are living in tents on top of the rubble.
As I stated in our blog, the Lord can use this disaster to help bring this country around to Him. Haiti need to be rebuilt, in many ways. But considering the government buildings were all destroyed, it's an indication that we need to rebuild not only the buildings, but the government itself, to put this country on the road to recovery, both physically and spiritually.
So many positive things have occurred since the quake. Churches are overflowing with people turning their lives over to the Lord. Yes, some may walk away from it after a while, but the commitment of so many is overwhelming. These are people who have lost everything...and in many cases, even limbs. But they are now focusing on serving the Lord who they claim saved them from death. Just a couple of young gal had turned her back on her Christian upbringing here in Cap, and was in Port in school. Her mother has had the church praying for her for a long time. On the day of the quake, she was on the third floor of the school. She needed to use the rest room, and was trying to hold off until class was over, but couldn't. She ran down three flights, got outside to find a place to relieve herself when the quake hit. The school totally collapsed, with all her friends in it. She grabbed her cell phone and called her mother and said, "I'm coming home. God saved me and I want to serve Him." Another man lost everything...his home, his wife, his children, part of a leg,and part of an arm. he stood in church and said he wanted to accept the Lord and serve Him for saving him. These types of stories have abounded all over Haiti. It could very well have been bitterness, but it wasn't. There have been scores of witch doctors who have turned to the Lord. Towns, like Limbe, near us, have turned in mass toward the living Lord.
Yes, thousands of lives have been lost. But hundreds of thousands of lives have been turned toward the Lord. For the small part God has allowed us to play in this, we are thankful. We have been blessed in so many ways by the way the Lord is pouring out His Spirit on this country. Please continue to pray for us and for all of those who are trying to help here in Haiti. God is using even the unsaved to help here.
I keep coming back to the verse in 2 Chronicles 7: 14... "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and see my face, and turn from their wicked way, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land."
As I see Haiti, slowly turning around (VERY slowly it seems, but here is movement in that direction), I also think of America. Our country also needs to cling to this verse. The Christians of the US need to heed this verse and start praying and seeking the Lord for the healing of their land. Oh that the Lord would open the eyes of Americans as He has been able to do through this earthquake here in Haiti. I don't for even on second believe that the Lord caused this earthquake. But I do firmly belive that He can use it for His glory and for the salvation of many, many people.
The turmoil, the hungry people, the hurting, will not be gone over night. This is going to be a long hard road for most of the people here. Pray with us that the Lord will continue to use us to help those we can. Pray that He will continue to bring the resources to help the ones He puts in our path. Pray that the Lord will continue to build and strengthen the Christians in this country to serve Him and to bring many others to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
Again, we want to thank all of those who have stepped in and helped us in so many ways. Without you, we would not be able to serve as the Lord has asked us to. Keep us and this country in your prayers.
Pray for us as we make plans to take a trip to the US in the next couple of months. We are trying again to get visas for Vero and Abbie to go with us. It is so vital that Vero be able to share the ministry of the IDADEE orphanage. Please pray with us on this. We are seeking His wisdom in what to do and where to go.
And what would a newsletter be without mentioning Abbie and her efforts to keep us in line. When the dental team was here, Don was having his teeth checked. She came up beside him, leaned in and said, "Grandpa, just take a deep breath and relax." These types of things go on and on with her. She is a challenge and a joy, all at the same time.
Although we do need a break, please pray that the Lord will keep us focused on what to do and how to do it here in Haiti. He has blessed us beyond measure by putting so many national pastors to work with us. And these all have been so very responsible with the help. Pray for them, and for all those who are working to help bring this country around to a God fearing, God living, God serving country.
May the Lord richly bless you and yours. We pray the message of Easter was one that drew you and your family closer to the realization that Jesus did it all for YOU...and for me and for all people.
Don & Karen Davis
"With God nothing is impossible"
Luke 1:37
I wanted to add a note here from our mission. It may be of interest to some of you. Also let me add that World Outreach Ministries has been a faithful prayer warrior through all the difficult times here in Haiti. We know they pray for us constantly, and we are so thankful for that.
Don & Karen Davis
Unit 1019 ~ WOMI
3170 Airmans Drive
Ft. Pierce, FL 34946
For tax deductible gifts:
1. Online donations for our account ~ (click on 'Donate' and follow the simple directions)
2. Or mail checks to:
World Outreach Ministries
P.O. Box B
Marietta, GA 30061
(designate for Don & Karen Davis #10 account)
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Life is a challenge
Hello again,
Well, to say that life is a challenge in Haiti is putting it mildly. It seems no matter which way you turn, there is another challenge waiting for you. One incident of this was our newsletter. I had it completed and ready to print and go. Had all the envelopes ready and started printing the letter...and ran out of ink. Now in the US, that wouldn't be such a hard thing, you go to the store and get some. Not so here. I didn't realize I was short on one of the colors. (I LOVE the printer I have, it has separate cartridges for each color. I don't have to buy the whole thing if only one color is out!!) Normally I keep a supply of ink on hand, and I THOUGHT I had all the colors covered...well, guess what, I didn't. So, went on line and ordered it. Now the place I use is GREAT...when I order it goes out the same day and I normally have it on the next plane. (And the prices are cheaper than the store.) Now comes the next phase of the situation...MFI had the next two flights totally filled with cargo, and the ink didn't come until the third flight...we are talking a week and a half here. SO, finally I got the ink and was able to print it all out. Don had sent out the ones I did get printed, so some are two weeks later than the others. Yup, frustration, huh? And definitely a CHALLENGE!! But they are ready to out on the plane tomorrow (the last of them, anyway). But I wanted to get the newsletter posted on here, also. So, my next blog will be that letter.
We have our weather station up and working...but not sure I like it. Now I can see when it's in the mid to upper 90's. Before, it was just, okay, it's hot. Now it's like, WOW, it's 95 and it's only April!! But Don is happy with it, so I guess it's okay. I simply won't LOOK at the thing anymore.
I have gotten several letters of request for Vero to come and speak on the IDADEE orphanage. These will go with us to the consulate next week. They came via email, which is fine, and I hope they make an impression on the consulate.
Don has been really busy making deliveries, both of food and water. He will be running every day now until we leave May 13th. He is trying to help people stock up a bit for while we are gone. Water is the problem, though. So pray for the people who have to depend on him for good water. It's a hard time for them, and for Don, who feels their pain.
I'm supposed to be at the airport today, but MFI had to reschedule our flight due to a storm that went through yesterday. (In Florida, not here). The flight they were to make to the Bahamas had to be done today, so it puts our flight off until tomorrow. Those guys are constantly on the move, doing a fantastic job all the time.
As we move into the hurricane season, pray with us that we will not be hit with any of them. They claim this year will be a big one for hurricanes in the Caribbean. But they have been wrong before, so we hope they are again. Haiti is having a hard enough time recovering from the earthquake, they don't need a hurricane to compound that.
Until tomorrow... have a super great, Christ filled day. Remember what He did for you, and share that with someone who doesn't know Him. And keep smiling!!! Jesus loves you!!!
Well, to say that life is a challenge in Haiti is putting it mildly. It seems no matter which way you turn, there is another challenge waiting for you. One incident of this was our newsletter. I had it completed and ready to print and go. Had all the envelopes ready and started printing the letter...and ran out of ink. Now in the US, that wouldn't be such a hard thing, you go to the store and get some. Not so here. I didn't realize I was short on one of the colors. (I LOVE the printer I have, it has separate cartridges for each color. I don't have to buy the whole thing if only one color is out!!) Normally I keep a supply of ink on hand, and I THOUGHT I had all the colors covered...well, guess what, I didn't. So, went on line and ordered it. Now the place I use is GREAT...when I order it goes out the same day and I normally have it on the next plane. (And the prices are cheaper than the store.) Now comes the next phase of the situation...MFI had the next two flights totally filled with cargo, and the ink didn't come until the third flight...we are talking a week and a half here. SO, finally I got the ink and was able to print it all out. Don had sent out the ones I did get printed, so some are two weeks later than the others. Yup, frustration, huh? And definitely a CHALLENGE!! But they are ready to out on the plane tomorrow (the last of them, anyway). But I wanted to get the newsletter posted on here, also. So, my next blog will be that letter.
We have our weather station up and working...but not sure I like it. Now I can see when it's in the mid to upper 90's. Before, it was just, okay, it's hot. Now it's like, WOW, it's 95 and it's only April!! But Don is happy with it, so I guess it's okay. I simply won't LOOK at the thing anymore.
I have gotten several letters of request for Vero to come and speak on the IDADEE orphanage. These will go with us to the consulate next week. They came via email, which is fine, and I hope they make an impression on the consulate.
Don has been really busy making deliveries, both of food and water. He will be running every day now until we leave May 13th. He is trying to help people stock up a bit for while we are gone. Water is the problem, though. So pray for the people who have to depend on him for good water. It's a hard time for them, and for Don, who feels their pain.
I'm supposed to be at the airport today, but MFI had to reschedule our flight due to a storm that went through yesterday. (In Florida, not here). The flight they were to make to the Bahamas had to be done today, so it puts our flight off until tomorrow. Those guys are constantly on the move, doing a fantastic job all the time.
As we move into the hurricane season, pray with us that we will not be hit with any of them. They claim this year will be a big one for hurricanes in the Caribbean. But they have been wrong before, so we hope they are again. Haiti is having a hard enough time recovering from the earthquake, they don't need a hurricane to compound that.
Until tomorrow... have a super great, Christ filled day. Remember what He did for you, and share that with someone who doesn't know Him. And keep smiling!!! Jesus loves you!!!
Saturday, April 24, 2010
April 24th Saturday
Well, I'm thinking positive. I am going to believe that Abbie and Vero will get their visas. I am so believing this that I made reservations for all four of us to fly out on MFI on the 13th of May. Keep this in prayer, okay?
I've been working like mad to get the computer room and laundry room into order. That's a tall order, considering what a mess they were before the shelves and rearranging started. But I AM making headway. One huge problem is that I have tons of papers to burn. There are so many, OLD, OLD papers that there is no reason to have. And it will create some space for what does need to be saved. Keep me in prayer on that one, too.
Don has been making deliveries and getting things distributed. The problem there is that there are more requests than there are items to give out. So we are praying that God will get it to the people who are most in need. From the pictures you can see Vero and Don took the food to a family where the vehicle wouldn't go. They got as far as they could, then hiked up the hill with the food. Not an easy task when some of the boxes were pretty heavy, and the sacks of corn were pretty hefty too. But they made the family really happy. Keep Don and the deliveries in your prayers. It's getting really hard to say no when the needs are so great.

I guess that is another reason we are looking forward to some time out. We need a break from the constant pressure of people coming and needing so much. But we are also looking forward to seeing some friends and family. Visiting and getting refreshed is so needed right now.
I'll leave you with this thought....who have you shared Jesus with this week? There are many ways of word, in deed, and in prayer. This week I've really been led to pray for those who came to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ at the same time we did...but have walked away from serving Him. I'm praying the Lord will open eyes, and hearts and draw His own back into the fold. Keep reaching out...someone needs you, in some way, to share Jesus' love with them. You ARE a blessing, we pray you are also blessed!!!
I've been working like mad to get the computer room and laundry room into order. That's a tall order, considering what a mess they were before the shelves and rearranging started. But I AM making headway. One huge problem is that I have tons of papers to burn. There are so many, OLD, OLD papers that there is no reason to have. And it will create some space for what does need to be saved. Keep me in prayer on that one, too.
Don has been making deliveries and getting things distributed. The problem there is that there are more requests than there are items to give out. So we are praying that God will get it to the people who are most in need. From the pictures you can see Vero and Don took the food to a family where the vehicle wouldn't go. They got as far as they could, then hiked up the hill with the food. Not an easy task when some of the boxes were pretty heavy, and the sacks of corn were pretty hefty too. But they made the family really happy. Keep Don and the deliveries in your prayers. It's getting really hard to say no when the needs are so great.



I'll leave you with this thought....who have you shared Jesus with this week? There are many ways of word, in deed, and in prayer. This week I've really been led to pray for those who came to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ at the same time we did...but have walked away from serving Him. I'm praying the Lord will open eyes, and hearts and draw His own back into the fold. Keep reaching out...someone needs you, in some way, to share Jesus' love with them. You ARE a blessing, we pray you are also blessed!!!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
April 21st, Wednesday
We've had an eventful couple of days...actually a lot of fun, and tons of work, but interesting, to say the least.
Sunday, as I said, Dale preached two services at Pastor Codo's church. And then went on to teach at English Bible Fellowship. I know he did a great job there, and no, I'm not prejudiced. Several others came up and asked why we don't have him teach more. Well, we would but he's not here.
On Monday, PRAISE THE LORD, we got the container. I have to include here a photo of our guard. He traveled with every piece of equipment on that he had, plus a shotgun, rifle and a pistol. All that was missing was a riot shield. He's a nice guy, though. Many people came to get their things off the container and we have distributed a lot since then, too. So, the food and scriptures are moving out. A HUGE praise item.
Tuesday we had airport while Dale and Jim built our shelves, both in the house and in the dorm storage room. What a difference they make. Now I am sorting through things and getting rid of stuff I've had forever and don't need.
Oh, at the airport we watched as a special US marshal took into custody, from the Haitian police, a drug dealer that had fled the US. He was on his way back to the US to prison. A bit of excitement for us anyway.
Yesterday (Tuesday) was also our 47th anniversary. Can't believe it's been that long. Sure makes Don seem old!!! (Yes, I know, me, too!) Then that night, Dale, Jim, Vero and Cequer went to Pastor Saint-Ange's church. Dale taught on prayer and the different aspects of it. Listening to Vero tell it, everyone was thrilled. They said they had never heard some of the things he taught. Even the pastor was taking notes. To wrap up the evening, we had a surprise visitor. Years ago, while working at the airport, we came in contact with a young lad. He was helping out the ground man (Tom) for MAF at the time. We ended up calling him Ti-Tom. He was just a little bugger. Well, Tom put him in school, and he grew into a fine Christian young man. He got married and had two children. And although he lived near us, we didn't see him for years. He had moved to the US and now lives in Florida. He came back for a short visit. It was such a neat surprise to see him. We sat and shared with him for a long time. He remembered our children and was happy to be able to see Dale while he was here. What a great end to an evening for us. He will be coming to have a meal with us this evening. God was so good to bring us such neat memories.
Need to get back to work and get the rest of the things cleaned out from my computer room. (All the things from the laundry room came in here). And we hope to be able to go to town this afternoon yet. We'll see. We sure have been kept busy, but it's been a GOOD busy.
Don is a news hound and tells me all the things going on all over the world. It just keeps bringing things closer and closer to our Lord's return. We are right now walking in the prophesies the Bible talks about. Things are happening that were predicted so long ago. No, we will not know the day or time, but the season is drawing very near. Are YOU ready for the Lord to return? We are and we are looking forward to His return. Yes, there may be trials and tribulations, but with the Lord's hand to hang on to, well make it through. We pray you have that same confidence and knowledge. Till we meet again, keep Jesus at the front of all you do and say. He truly is our strength and shield.
Sunday, as I said, Dale preached two services at Pastor Codo's church. And then went on to teach at English Bible Fellowship. I know he did a great job there, and no, I'm not prejudiced. Several others came up and asked why we don't have him teach more. Well, we would but he's not here.





Yesterday (Tuesday) was also our 47th anniversary. Can't believe it's been that long. Sure makes Don seem old!!! (Yes, I know, me, too!) Then that night, Dale, Jim, Vero and Cequer went to Pastor Saint-Ange's church. Dale taught on prayer and the different aspects of it. Listening to Vero tell it, everyone was thrilled. They said they had never heard some of the things he taught. Even the pastor was taking notes. To wrap up the evening, we had a surprise visitor. Years ago, while working at the airport, we came in contact with a young lad. He was helping out the ground man (Tom) for MAF at the time. We ended up calling him Ti-Tom. He was just a little bugger. Well, Tom put him in school, and he grew into a fine Christian young man. He got married and had two children. And although he lived near us, we didn't see him for years. He had moved to the US and now lives in Florida. He came back for a short visit. It was such a neat surprise to see him. We sat and shared with him for a long time. He remembered our children and was happy to be able to see Dale while he was here. What a great end to an evening for us. He will be coming to have a meal with us this evening. God was so good to bring us such neat memories.
Need to get back to work and get the rest of the things cleaned out from my computer room. (All the things from the laundry room came in here). And we hope to be able to go to town this afternoon yet. We'll see. We sure have been kept busy, but it's been a GOOD busy.
Don is a news hound and tells me all the things going on all over the world. It just keeps bringing things closer and closer to our Lord's return. We are right now walking in the prophesies the Bible talks about. Things are happening that were predicted so long ago. No, we will not know the day or time, but the season is drawing very near. Are YOU ready for the Lord to return? We are and we are looking forward to His return. Yes, there may be trials and tribulations, but with the Lord's hand to hang on to, well make it through. We pray you have that same confidence and knowledge. Till we meet again, keep Jesus at the front of all you do and say. He truly is our strength and shield.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Sunday April 18th
I'm back again...and it didn't take as long this time. I think I am finally catching my second wind and getting things organized. Well, sort of anyway. But if you could see my computer room, you'd know I am finally getting organized in here anyway. Thanks to Dale, Jim and Don's hard work.
I decided to share some photos of what they have been doing. I haven't gotten it all on here, since I didn't get any photos from yesterday yet. But it will give you an idea of just a few of the things they are doing. So, here goes....enjoy.
This was the first night. They assembled the HAM radio antenna to be put up. But rains delayed that for a couple of days. They also assembled the weather station that Don has wanted for the last 20 + years. That is still to be put up, but will get done.
And then they worked on the computer room. Took down the long wooden desk I had used when teaching computers and moved things around. Dale even made Abbie her own little computer desk so she can work by herself. She can get into it and change CD's and do her work on it alone. Now she even has her own desk. She's a happy camper.
The weather finally cooperated and Dale was able to get the antenna on the house. It took a while, as you can imagine. And it was a lot of work, but praise God, it's finished. The next one is to hook the other wire to the mast you can see very lightly in the background.
Getting some of the jobs done requires also getting the tools in shape. But this is a constant job, since you can see what they have to chop down. Dale and PePe worked well together and got a lot of trimming done. Had to trim the bushes, so when they bring the container they don't hit the house (again!).

Thankfully Jim has been able to keep Abbie busy a lot. She has taken to him and keeps him busy when she is not in school. Jim has done a lot of work, too, and is the official picture taker. But disregard the dates on the photos. He didn't realize you had to set the date on a camera. It's done now, though.
And of course Dale's injury..although it doesn't show all of the get an idea. The drill went through his nail at the point of the triangle. He still hurts and it throbs, but he says it's okay. (Yea, right!!)
A prayer request for you. Our container was supposed to be here on Friday...but it ended up being way too late to bring it out. Then on Saturday, they decided we needed to have security accompany it...and when they finally got there, another delay. They couldn't find a chassis to put it on. Now they say Monday. So, pray and pray hard that it will get here and things can be distributed quickly.
For now, I'd better get moving here. Dale is preaching at two services this AM at Pastor Codo's church, and then again this afternoon at English Bible Fellowship. We are really keeping him busy. He'll need to go home for a rest!! But we sure do appreciate all the work he and Jim are getting accomplished.
God has used them so much already here in Haiti. But I know He uses them in the US, too. Keep in mind that the Lord can use YOU wherever you are, no matter WHO you are. YOUR mission field could be your neighbor...or it could be somewhere else. Just be open to what the Lord is directing, and where He is directing. God can use you, if you are willing.
Have a super great day in the Lord. And keep thanking and praising Him for what He has done for you!!
I decided to share some photos of what they have been doing. I haven't gotten it all on here, since I didn't get any photos from yesterday yet. But it will give you an idea of just a few of the things they are doing. So, here goes....enjoy.
This was the first night. They assembled the HAM radio antenna to be put up. But rains delayed that for a couple of days. They also assembled the weather station that Don has wanted for the last 20 + years. That is still to be put up, but will get done.








For now, I'd better get moving here. Dale is preaching at two services this AM at Pastor Codo's church, and then again this afternoon at English Bible Fellowship. We are really keeping him busy. He'll need to go home for a rest!! But we sure do appreciate all the work he and Jim are getting accomplished.
God has used them so much already here in Haiti. But I know He uses them in the US, too. Keep in mind that the Lord can use YOU wherever you are, no matter WHO you are. YOUR mission field could be your neighbor...or it could be somewhere else. Just be open to what the Lord is directing, and where He is directing. God can use you, if you are willing.
Have a super great day in the Lord. And keep thanking and praising Him for what He has done for you!!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
April 15th, Thursday
What a time we've had. I didn't realize it had been so long since I've been on here. I have to apologize for that. We have had teams and trying to do other things along with that seems to take up a lot of time. But I do want to stress what a joy and what a blessing the teams have been, not only to us, but to the Haitians as well. Each team is unique in it's own way and yet they all do so much here. I can't share enough how much is accomplished for the Lord through these selfless people.
Our last team left on Tuesday. And on that same plane, our son and a friend came in. We had a LONG list for Dale to accomplish. He has done pretty well in just two work days, too. But yesterday, while working in the computer room, he had an accident. We are totally redoing the room, to have more room, and better storage space for things here. They took down the long computer desk we had for when I was teaching computers. In the process of taking out screws and rebuilding some other things (like a small computer desk for Abbie) it happened. I was in the kitchen and Dale came out and said, "Mommie, I got an awie". Thinking he was teasing, I said, so what else is new? Then I looked over and saw blood squirting all over the place. He was using a power drill to put some screws in and it slipped and went through his thumbnail and out the other side of the thumb. There was a trail of blood all over the place. Got it cleaned out and ointment on it and bandaged it up good. But I know he will be hurting for a while. And he will lose that fingernail. He still went on working and worked all day today, too. A bit stubborn, like his father. But I will say they are getting a LOT of work done in a lot of areas. What a tremendous help they have been to Don and I both. We are so very thankful for them being here.
We finally make the appointment for Vero and Abbie's visas. They go down on May 6th to the consulate. PLEASE, PLEASE put that on the top of your prayer list. Although Vero wouldn't be able to stay out the whole time we will be gone, it would be so important for her to share the ministry of IDADEE with those she can. And of course, we want Abbie to go with us, too. There really would be no one to leave her here with while we are gone.
We have a container ready to come out here tomorrow. Another prayer request. We have had a hard time getting this one to the point of clearing. Right now we are jumping through some hoops to make it happen. With all the food in there, it's a shame that those in authority don't see the need to get it out to the people. At times it's very discouraging trying to help the poor, when others put constant road blocks in place. But it is a great need and we need a lot of prayers for it to take place.
As we talk to the pastors we work with, we are finding the needs of those displaced people increasing, not decreasing. We have had some pretty horrid rains the last few days and this has taken a toll on a lot of these people. While sitting here typing, there was a tremor. For me, it was simply, "Oh, I felt that one." But for those who experienced the heavy part in Port, that tremor would set their minds and bodies to reacting. I do understand where they are coming from in that fear, but we need a whole lot of prayers to help these people overcome that fear. So, pray with us on that one, too. The accounts of the numbers of people coming to know the Lord are really fantastic. And every time we talk to one of the pastors, they have more stories to share. It really is awesome (there's that word again) how God has used this tragedy to bring about so much good. And we are so thankful that He has used us in even this tiny way, to help that come about. We are back to that one grain of sand in a bucket again. But it takes a lot of grains to fill that bucket. Our two little grains don't seem like much, but they help. And God put us here for such a time as this, to spread His work and show His love.
Yes, we do have those who are taking advantage of the situation and trying to get money from us. That is why we have decided that our help is to be centered on helping those who really know the needs and that we have seen can be trusted to help out. And a neat thing here, we didn't ask for any accounting of where our help went, but the pastors have been faithful in letting us know just where the help is going. God has been teaching accountability and it is working. Keep this in prayer, too.
Returning from the airport today, I can't believe how many people we saw on crutches. And those with bandages and missing limbs. These are the overflow from Port and the ones who are so destitute. You really feel so inadequate in helping, but we know we are doing what the Lord told us, so we have to grasp that peace. I know the Bible says that the poor will always be with us. It's just that it's really hard to be in the midst of a country full of those "poor" and to be able to help only a fraction (and a very small fraction at that). Because in reality..."There but for the grace of God, go I!!" So, keep US in prayer, too, that we will stay focused on what the Lord wants us to do and accomplish.
I think the verse that speaks to these situations is Lamentations3: 22 & 23, "Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning." And that is what we have to learn to lean on. And we have to be renewed every morning with His word.
I hope to go through some of the pictures from the last few weeks and post some for you. But I'm not sure when I'll be able to do that. Just keep checking...I'll try soon.
Until then, remember, Jesus did it all for you!! What can we do for HIM? Nothing, really nothing at all...HE DID IT! But we CAN share what He has done, and we can pray for others. Keep Him there in front of you all the time, and share His love with others.
Our last team left on Tuesday. And on that same plane, our son and a friend came in. We had a LONG list for Dale to accomplish. He has done pretty well in just two work days, too. But yesterday, while working in the computer room, he had an accident. We are totally redoing the room, to have more room, and better storage space for things here. They took down the long computer desk we had for when I was teaching computers. In the process of taking out screws and rebuilding some other things (like a small computer desk for Abbie) it happened. I was in the kitchen and Dale came out and said, "Mommie, I got an awie". Thinking he was teasing, I said, so what else is new? Then I looked over and saw blood squirting all over the place. He was using a power drill to put some screws in and it slipped and went through his thumbnail and out the other side of the thumb. There was a trail of blood all over the place. Got it cleaned out and ointment on it and bandaged it up good. But I know he will be hurting for a while. And he will lose that fingernail. He still went on working and worked all day today, too. A bit stubborn, like his father. But I will say they are getting a LOT of work done in a lot of areas. What a tremendous help they have been to Don and I both. We are so very thankful for them being here.
We finally make the appointment for Vero and Abbie's visas. They go down on May 6th to the consulate. PLEASE, PLEASE put that on the top of your prayer list. Although Vero wouldn't be able to stay out the whole time we will be gone, it would be so important for her to share the ministry of IDADEE with those she can. And of course, we want Abbie to go with us, too. There really would be no one to leave her here with while we are gone.
We have a container ready to come out here tomorrow. Another prayer request. We have had a hard time getting this one to the point of clearing. Right now we are jumping through some hoops to make it happen. With all the food in there, it's a shame that those in authority don't see the need to get it out to the people. At times it's very discouraging trying to help the poor, when others put constant road blocks in place. But it is a great need and we need a lot of prayers for it to take place.
As we talk to the pastors we work with, we are finding the needs of those displaced people increasing, not decreasing. We have had some pretty horrid rains the last few days and this has taken a toll on a lot of these people. While sitting here typing, there was a tremor. For me, it was simply, "Oh, I felt that one." But for those who experienced the heavy part in Port, that tremor would set their minds and bodies to reacting. I do understand where they are coming from in that fear, but we need a whole lot of prayers to help these people overcome that fear. So, pray with us on that one, too. The accounts of the numbers of people coming to know the Lord are really fantastic. And every time we talk to one of the pastors, they have more stories to share. It really is awesome (there's that word again) how God has used this tragedy to bring about so much good. And we are so thankful that He has used us in even this tiny way, to help that come about. We are back to that one grain of sand in a bucket again. But it takes a lot of grains to fill that bucket. Our two little grains don't seem like much, but they help. And God put us here for such a time as this, to spread His work and show His love.
Yes, we do have those who are taking advantage of the situation and trying to get money from us. That is why we have decided that our help is to be centered on helping those who really know the needs and that we have seen can be trusted to help out. And a neat thing here, we didn't ask for any accounting of where our help went, but the pastors have been faithful in letting us know just where the help is going. God has been teaching accountability and it is working. Keep this in prayer, too.
Returning from the airport today, I can't believe how many people we saw on crutches. And those with bandages and missing limbs. These are the overflow from Port and the ones who are so destitute. You really feel so inadequate in helping, but we know we are doing what the Lord told us, so we have to grasp that peace. I know the Bible says that the poor will always be with us. It's just that it's really hard to be in the midst of a country full of those "poor" and to be able to help only a fraction (and a very small fraction at that). Because in reality..."There but for the grace of God, go I!!" So, keep US in prayer, too, that we will stay focused on what the Lord wants us to do and accomplish.
I think the verse that speaks to these situations is Lamentations3: 22 & 23, "Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning." And that is what we have to learn to lean on. And we have to be renewed every morning with His word.
I hope to go through some of the pictures from the last few weeks and post some for you. But I'm not sure when I'll be able to do that. Just keep checking...I'll try soon.
Until then, remember, Jesus did it all for you!! What can we do for HIM? Nothing, really nothing at all...HE DID IT! But we CAN share what He has done, and we can pray for others. Keep Him there in front of you all the time, and share His love with others.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Easter Blessings
Praying your Easter was fantastic. Hearing the resurrection story yet again brings to mind all Jesus has done for us. Walking daily with the Lord is GRAND. Yes, I did look up AWESOME in the Thesaurus. So, there are a few more words I can use now.
This morning (yes, it was a 6 AM sunrise service) I was able to hold one of the twins our friends have taken in. Jean Claude and Monica took in these little precious babies after the mother decided she couldn't care for them. She is HIV positive. The twins (a boy and girl) are now 6 weeks old, but look newborn. They are so cute. Nope, I'm not going back to taking care of babies again...too old for that job now. But it would be fun!! We had an awesome (oops, there I go again) service. Had over 70 people, which is really good. I hope your service was as inspiring as ours. We were also blessed to have Dr. Bibiana there with us again. We miss her so much. But she is where the Lord wants her to be I guess. Much to every one's dismay here. It sounds like they (her and Sandy and the boys) will be moving back to Argentina soon. I hope they will still be making trips here to see us.
The team has been working and accomplishing a lot. They are a neat bunch. I'll try to get some photos on here and let you see what they are doing. Some of our guys are pretty tall, which makes painting the high places fairly easy....
But some of the girls, on the other hand, aren't quite as tall...and need a little help.
Then when someone like this is watching you, you have to pause and take some time for him. It's not easy to turn your back on someone this cute.
And what would our blog be without pictures of Abbie and Vero? They went to a wedding on Saturday and I just had to get some pictures. 
Our current team leaves on Tuesday and we have another one coming in. Then just one week after that, our son and a friend come in. We may work them to a frazzle while they are here...a lot of projects lined up. Don won't ask for help, but when Dale said he'd help him catch up on some much needed work here, he gladly accepted. There will be an antenna put up, for the HAM radio, shelves in both the house and the dorm, my computer room will be revamped to make it easier to use and find things. The list goes on and on. And we'll simply be glad to have one of the kids here for a while, too.
I just wanted to send a very special Easter greeting to all of you. May you keep Jesus and all He has done for you at the center of your life, and share it with others. EASTER BLESSING TO ALL OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!
This morning (yes, it was a 6 AM sunrise service) I was able to hold one of the twins our friends have taken in. Jean Claude and Monica took in these little precious babies after the mother decided she couldn't care for them. She is HIV positive. The twins (a boy and girl) are now 6 weeks old, but look newborn. They are so cute. Nope, I'm not going back to taking care of babies again...too old for that job now. But it would be fun!! We had an awesome (oops, there I go again) service. Had over 70 people, which is really good. I hope your service was as inspiring as ours. We were also blessed to have Dr. Bibiana there with us again. We miss her so much. But she is where the Lord wants her to be I guess. Much to every one's dismay here. It sounds like they (her and Sandy and the boys) will be moving back to Argentina soon. I hope they will still be making trips here to see us.
The team has been working and accomplishing a lot. They are a neat bunch. I'll try to get some photos on here and let you see what they are doing. Some of our guys are pretty tall, which makes painting the high places fairly easy....





I just wanted to send a very special Easter greeting to all of you. May you keep Jesus and all He has done for you at the center of your life, and share it with others. EASTER BLESSING TO ALL OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, April 1, 2010
April 1, 2010
Hello again,
Well, here I am, days late again. First, I'm doing a lot better, so can't use that excuse. It's just been so overwhelming lately, I find myself coming and going.
Tuesday we had a former missionary come for a visit. Gene and his family lived here here in Haiti for quite some time, but left here ten years ago. He came to see where best to help Haiti and how to do it. This has been a great time. He has talked to several people already and it's been eye opening for him. I'm glad we are working with some great pastors that he can talk to and get "real" information from. He brought tents, and we weren't sure where to direct him with them. I had made some calls before he got here and finally talked to Pastor Paul. He was SO thrilled that someone would be willing to help the people he knows in Port. Paul had gone down to Port au Prince not long after the earthquake to preach at a fellow pastor's church. They not only lost their church, the people in the church lost their homes. Gene brought in some army surplus tents that were bigger than the regular store bought ones. We (that is a collective term, they worked I watched) spend Wednesday out at Pastor Paul's setting one of the tents up, so they could see how to do it. To see the joy and excitement in Pastor Paul's eyes, when he realized how many people these tents would help was awesome. So, that was a day well spent and a joy to us as well as those who will have a roof over their heads now.
Today we headed out to the airport in the awful rains we've been having. Just about the time we would think it would clear, the sky would open up and dump again. Inside the building, where the outbound passengers check in, were puddles of water from the roof leaking. But praise God, when the planes came in, the rains stopped. We were damp and chilly (us Haiti living people, anyway) but we came home happy to get our of the elements.
Our team arrived safe and sound and we are looking forward to working with them. They are such a great group. Several we knew before, and some were new to Haiti. But talk about willing, they did great. Tomorrow they head out to the IDADEE orphanage and start painting. Don't know how long it will take the paint to dry, but at least they will be inside in case it rains again. We are supposed to have some dry weather for the Easter weekend. I hope we do, there is so much going on here.
We still have our days of wondering how things are going to change here, and WHEN they will change for the good. But we have to step back and remember that GOD is in charge, not us. We can't make things happen any quicker by striving and stressing about it. We have to simply keep praying that the Lord will work it out in HIS time. I don't know if I shared on here the youtube page about Haiti, so I am going to put it here.
Go to this page and check it out. (You may have to copy/paste it to get it to run). It is done by a group that is not trying to make a fortune out of the disaster here. The song and the pictures are so well done. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. I have had quite a few responses to the email I had sent out about it. I even sent it here in country, so others can appreciate what is happening outside of Haiti, FOR Haiti. Thank you so much for your prayers for the people here. This will be an on going thing and they will continue to need prayers for a long time. But in praying for the people, pray that the Lord will step in and make Himself real to those who do not know Him, or are not walking with Him. We need to draw people's attention to what the Lord wants them to see and hear.
Have I mentioned lately how AWESOME our God is? Each and every day He shows us things that we knew....but didn't really pay attention to. The little ditty we used to sing when we first accepted the Lord keeps coming back to me. "When you walk with the Lord, you don't get bored...sing hallelujah, AMEN". Sometimes it's hard, sometimes it's easy, but it's never boring walking with God. Some of the roads we have to travel have potholes, (for those of you who have been to Haiti can understand that part), and some of the roads seem like super highways. But wherever and however God takes us, He is there to travel with us. And those potholes in the road are there to help us to grow in love and grace. We learn from each and every "pothole" we travel through. We sure have been hitting a lot of potholes in our life lately, but God has been faithful, and He has been there with us, and through these times. For that I praise and thank Him. HE REALLY IS AWESOME!!
Well, here I am, days late again. First, I'm doing a lot better, so can't use that excuse. It's just been so overwhelming lately, I find myself coming and going.
Tuesday we had a former missionary come for a visit. Gene and his family lived here here in Haiti for quite some time, but left here ten years ago. He came to see where best to help Haiti and how to do it. This has been a great time. He has talked to several people already and it's been eye opening for him. I'm glad we are working with some great pastors that he can talk to and get "real" information from. He brought tents, and we weren't sure where to direct him with them. I had made some calls before he got here and finally talked to Pastor Paul. He was SO thrilled that someone would be willing to help the people he knows in Port. Paul had gone down to Port au Prince not long after the earthquake to preach at a fellow pastor's church. They not only lost their church, the people in the church lost their homes. Gene brought in some army surplus tents that were bigger than the regular store bought ones. We (that is a collective term, they worked I watched) spend Wednesday out at Pastor Paul's setting one of the tents up, so they could see how to do it. To see the joy and excitement in Pastor Paul's eyes, when he realized how many people these tents would help was awesome. So, that was a day well spent and a joy to us as well as those who will have a roof over their heads now.
Today we headed out to the airport in the awful rains we've been having. Just about the time we would think it would clear, the sky would open up and dump again. Inside the building, where the outbound passengers check in, were puddles of water from the roof leaking. But praise God, when the planes came in, the rains stopped. We were damp and chilly (us Haiti living people, anyway) but we came home happy to get our of the elements.
Our team arrived safe and sound and we are looking forward to working with them. They are such a great group. Several we knew before, and some were new to Haiti. But talk about willing, they did great. Tomorrow they head out to the IDADEE orphanage and start painting. Don't know how long it will take the paint to dry, but at least they will be inside in case it rains again. We are supposed to have some dry weather for the Easter weekend. I hope we do, there is so much going on here.
We still have our days of wondering how things are going to change here, and WHEN they will change for the good. But we have to step back and remember that GOD is in charge, not us. We can't make things happen any quicker by striving and stressing about it. We have to simply keep praying that the Lord will work it out in HIS time. I don't know if I shared on here the youtube page about Haiti, so I am going to put it here.
Go to this page and check it out. (You may have to copy/paste it to get it to run). It is done by a group that is not trying to make a fortune out of the disaster here. The song and the pictures are so well done. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. I have had quite a few responses to the email I had sent out about it. I even sent it here in country, so others can appreciate what is happening outside of Haiti, FOR Haiti. Thank you so much for your prayers for the people here. This will be an on going thing and they will continue to need prayers for a long time. But in praying for the people, pray that the Lord will step in and make Himself real to those who do not know Him, or are not walking with Him. We need to draw people's attention to what the Lord wants them to see and hear.
Have I mentioned lately how AWESOME our God is? Each and every day He shows us things that we knew....but didn't really pay attention to. The little ditty we used to sing when we first accepted the Lord keeps coming back to me. "When you walk with the Lord, you don't get bored...sing hallelujah, AMEN". Sometimes it's hard, sometimes it's easy, but it's never boring walking with God. Some of the roads we have to travel have potholes, (for those of you who have been to Haiti can understand that part), and some of the roads seem like super highways. But wherever and however God takes us, He is there to travel with us. And those potholes in the road are there to help us to grow in love and grace. We learn from each and every "pothole" we travel through. We sure have been hitting a lot of potholes in our life lately, but God has been faithful, and He has been there with us, and through these times. For that I praise and thank Him. HE REALLY IS AWESOME!!
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