Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sunday April 18th

I'm back again...and it didn't take as long this time. I think I am finally catching my second wind and getting things organized. Well, sort of anyway. But if you could see my computer room, you'd know I am finally getting organized in here anyway. Thanks to Dale, Jim and Don's hard work.

I decided to share some photos of what they have been doing. I haven't gotten it all on here, since I didn't get any photos from yesterday yet. But it will give you an idea of just a few of the things they are doing. So, here goes....enjoy.

This was the first night. They assembled the HAM radio antenna to be put up. But rains delayed that for a couple of days. They also assembled the weather station that Don has wanted for the last 20 + years. That is still to be put up, but will get done.And then they worked on the computer room. Took down the long wooden desk I had used when teaching computers and moved things around. Dale even made Abbie her own little computer desk so she can work by herself. She can get into it and change CD's and do her work on it alone. Now she even has her own desk. She's a happy camper.
The weather finally cooperated and Dale was able to get the antenna on the house. It took a while, as you can imagine. And it was a lot of work, but praise God, it's finished. The next one is to hook the other wire to the mast you can see very lightly in the background.
Getting some of the jobs done requires also getting the tools in shape. But this is a constant job, since you can see what they have to chop down. Dale and PePe worked well together and got a lot of trimming done. Had to trim the bushes, so when they bring the container they don't hit the house (again!).

Thankfully Jim has been able to keep Abbie busy a lot. She has taken to him and keeps him busy when she is not in school. Jim has done a lot of work, too, and is the official picture taker. But disregard the dates on the photos. He didn't realize you had to set the date on a camera. It's done now, though. And of course Dale's injury..although it doesn't show all of the get an idea. The drill went through his nail at the point of the triangle. He still hurts and it throbs, but he says it's okay. (Yea, right!!)A prayer request for you. Our container was supposed to be here on Friday...but it ended up being way too late to bring it out. Then on Saturday, they decided we needed to have security accompany it...and when they finally got there, another delay. They couldn't find a chassis to put it on. Now they say Monday. So, pray and pray hard that it will get here and things can be distributed quickly.

For now,
I'd better get moving here. Dale is preaching at two services this AM at Pastor Codo's church, and then again this afternoon at English Bible Fellowship. We are really keeping him busy. He'll need to go home for a rest!! But we sure do appreciate all the work he and Jim are getting accomplished.

God has used them so much already here in Haiti. But I know He uses them in the US, too. Keep in mind that the Lord can use YOU wherever you are, no matter WHO you are. YOUR mission field could be your neighbor...or it could be somewhere else. Just be open to what the Lord is directing, and where He is directing. God can use you, if you are willing.

Have a super great day in the Lord. And keep thanking and praising Him for what He has done for you!!

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