Friday, November 5, 2010

A thankful note

Wow, two posts within a short time...I'm doing good.  I just wanted to add a note here.  Don is on HAM radio with the hurricane net.  They asked him to come on so they can monitor what the weather is like here.  They have people all over the Caribbean on the net, checking on the storm.  

I'm thankful we have interent.  I'm thankful the storm seems to be missing us totally.  I'm thankful that Don has the HAM radio so we have communication even if we had gotten hit here.  

HAM radio operators are a blessing beyond measure.  They monitor and respond to any and all situations.  If something would happen, they have the connections to get help to those in need.  

So, we simply are praising God for all He is and all He does for us!!  Pray!! Praise!!  Rejoice!!

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