Thursday, December 2, 2010

On our way to Christmas

I have decided that this post is only going to be upbeat things.  Everyday has it's down moments, but today I'm not going to let it get to me.

  I am posting pictures, only four of them, that show some of our upbeat things.  Don and Vero went to the airport today.  It wasn't too bad there, but the road coming home was something else I guess.  They have blocked the main road, so you have to take back ones.  I think they are FINALLY going to pave the main road...won't that be a great thing?  Shannon went to EBAC to be with the kids and do Bible study.  Keep that in prayer as she ministers to the older kids there.

Okay, the pictures.  This first one was just a fluke.  I looked out the door, saw this and ran for the camera.  I loved the way the sun was shinning on the trees and coming through the smoke.  Yes, it's smoke.  Someone was burning something, but I loved the effect of it on the yard.  
 The next one is a nativity set I made way back in 1979.  My sister and I had joined a ceramics class.  This is the first nativity set I ever owned, and I did it myself.  I now have several.  I love the differences in each one.  Guess that is something I would collect if I collected things.  Hummm....I have eagles, and cups...but anyway.  The three little colored angels are our Abbie angles that I either bought or received as gifts.  The hanging white one my daughter sent me.  Gee...I like angles, too.  Good thing I'm not collecting, huh?  

This one is my village I put up for Christmas each year.  This belonged to our oldest son and he gave it to me.  I've added a few pieces to it, but not many.  I don't have it all up here, because of space, but I like it anyway. 
 The last one is our tree.  I have ornaments that our kids made when they were a lot younger.  Some have gone the way of many aged things and aren't anymore, but I still have a lot they made.  I love those.  And one year our daughter made me a set of Gingerbread boys and girls...those were all our grandkids.  BUT we are now missing one since we have a grandson who isn't there.  I'll find a way to get an ornament with his name on it, too.  And our three great grandsons aren't on there either...another project to think on.  The packages under the tree need a bit of explanation.  Looks like a lot, huh?  Well, I put all of our ornaments in used gift boxes each year.  Then once I hang them up, I put the boxes under the tree, and it looks like a lot of presents.  There are a few there, but not that many.

I'll start working on our Christmas letter this week.  And I'll post that on here too.  I made a calendar for Abbie to mark the days off till Christmas.  She loves doing that.  She has a school program coming up and she has every one's parts memorized.  She is so excited about that.  It tells the real story of Christmas, so she tells it to us each day.  I'm so glad she is in a Christian school with such a positive influence.

Well, time to go and get supper ready and get more work done.  I hope your "pre-Christmas" time is spent focusing on the REAL REASON FOR THIS SEASON!!!  That little baby in the manger came to save us all, and we need to make sure that the real story is told!!  Have a blessed Christmas season, with Christ at the center of it all.

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